+St. Edward the Confessor, King+
I cannot believe how even those bloggers who should be more sensitive to the dangers of flogging (long-dead) horses keep chronicling the adventures of Francis. They get all excited and go on and on, exclaiming: “See what he did now… Can you believe it?” And “What does it mean for x, y, and z?” These are questions that have very obvious answers. After all, what else can you expect from a false pope who was bent on deceiving as many as he can? This is just so much sensationalism. It’s gossip, it’s drama and all they’re doing is managing to give Francis more oxygen. What is really disturbing, however, is the attitude that prevails — the idea that somehow all this is actually worthy of any consideration.
We should have much better things to do with our time which is growing shorter by the minute, for those of us among the senior crowd especially, but also for everyone in general. If this war in Israel is truly what it appears to be as I speculated in the Spiritual Teotwawki article, we could soon see events leading to the Second Coming. Of course this could be a short-lived war in Israel as some of the skirmishes over there have proven to be in the past. Or it could escalate into what is described in Apoc. 16 and 19. Whether it does or not all depends on the realization that the following events have already occurred:
- The great apostasy of the hierarchy, and those among the laity remaining in the Vatican 2 church following the introduction of the Novus Ordo Missae;
- the usurpation of the Holy See first by the false prophet, John 23, who makes it possible for Antichrist to reign;
- then the usurpation by Antichrist proper, Paul 6, who officially causes the Continual Sacrifice to cease and completes the destruction begun by the false prophet.
- Antichrist’s system continues — the beast dies and lives again with a repeating cycle of false prophets and false popes.
- And yet given Paul 6 playing the role of Judas during the reign of Pius XII and the cessation of the Sacrifice, only hecould truly be the Man of Sin.
- We live now in the time described by Saint Thomas Aquinas following Antichrist’s death.
- As explained HERE, this is a time comparable to the 70-year Babylonian Captivity — but these times will be shortened.
Secure your wedding garments
Pope Pius XII died 65 years ago this month. Could our captivity be perhaps five years or less, since Christ promised these times would be shortened less no flesh be saved (Matt. 24:22)? We may find this out shortly. Christ tells us in Apoc. Chapters 3: 3 and 16:15 that he comes as a thief, but it appears the full import of this verse has not been appreciated. A thief takes the occupants of the household entirely by surprise; the residents have no idea they have been targeted as victims of thieving or robbery. Given the deteriorating condition of the world both culturally and economically, and especially the decline of law and order, the residents of the household should have been more vigilant and taken precautions. After all they were told to pray and watch but as the foolish virgins in Matthew 25: 1-12, they failed to provide oil for their lamps. That oil symbolizes wisdom — the understanding Christ expects from His faithful followers on reading Holy Scripture. But what is it that they have not understood and why will they be surprised by the thief?
Who will be ready if what we are looking at plays out as presented above? Not Protestants, who are waiting for the rapture, and/or the Temple to be rebuilt and animal sacrifices to be restored. Some of them believe Antichrist has already come and gone; others don’t even believe in him. Still others continue to style him as the papacy, and the Church as the “Scarlet Whore of Rome,” (although one Internet article notes that this the papal Antichrist teaching was largely abandoned following Vatican 2 and the abrogation of the Latin Mass). Novus Ordo sect members think they still have a pope and a continual sacrifice, so they aren’t actively expecting him. Not LibTrads, who may admit we live in the end times, but don’t believe Antichrist has come, since he will end the Continual Sacrifice and they still lay claim to valid clergy and the Latin Mass. They also believe a true pope could still be elected, despite Pope Pius XII’s Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis and the death of all those bishops consecrated under Pope Pius XII. To all of these, Christ will come as a thief, because they have not loved the truth.
Of course many Protestants also believe that after the restoration of this Jewish sacrifice, the attempt of Antichrist to halt this Old Testament ceremony fulfills Daniel’s prophecy. And they predicate all the rest of the fulfillment of “Revelations” (the Apocalypse) on this belief. This is only the sad result of their stubborn refusal to recognize Christ’s true Church on earth and the offering of the Continual Sacrifice, for the Jewish sacrifice was never continual. Some Catholic commentators in the past did admit the possibility that Rome would be destroyed and at that time the new Jerusalem, a kind of forerunner of the new Jerusalem spoken of in the Apocalypse would be established — a restored papacy headquartered in Jerusalem. But we know today what they didn’t know: We know that we can’t expect to have another Pope because the means to do so (validly consecrated cardinals and bishops who have not abandoned the faith) no longer exist.
These authors writing about the restoration of the Church in Jerusalem also believed the prophecy regarding the conversion of the Jews would be fulfilled during such a restored papacy. But they failed to realize that there really are very few pure racial Jews left, as both Catholic and secular authors would later agree, as a result of the Jews migration to other nations and intermarriage with non-Jews. Today’s Jews are Rabinnic Jews by religion only, and do not even base their beliefs primarily on the Torah. Their man-generated literature is testimony to this. These older commentators also couldn’t foresee there would be a ruling by Pope Pius XII that would forbid belief in a literal millennium, actual or spiritual. This pretty much knocks out the idea of any kind of restoration of the papacy and the Church, in Jerusalem or elsewhere. Only Christ could miraculously restore the Church, but what have we done to merit this?
Apocalypse Chapter 16 — could it be here?
Now if we look at Chapter 16 of the Apocalypse, we see the sixth Angel pouring out his vial upon the great river Euphrates so that the waters would be dried up (verse 12). The Euphrates borders lands promised to Israel by Abraham. Rev H. B. Kramer writes: “The sixth trumpet turns loose the angels bound in the Euphrates to begin the massacre of one third of mankind” (The Book of Destiny). And some believe these angels are fallen angels, because they are “bound.” This happens so that the river might be prepared for the armies of the “kings from the rising of the sun” to march through it. But the kings of the rising sun couldn’t be Japan which has the rising sun as its symbol, because that country is too small to wage war and was pretty much put out of the war business after World War II. So the only other place this could describe is China, and possibly India. Verse 13 speaks of evil spirits coming out from the mouths of the dragon, beast and false prophet — the anti-Trinity — “three unclean spirits like frogs. And these are the spirits of devils working signs (verse 14). And “they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth to gather them to battle against the great day of the almighty God.”
Well we certainly know that the secret societies, having now taken over the Vatican, fomented both the world wars, also other internecine wars, for centuries. They are the masters of chaos because their master reigns overs the chaos of Hell. Then we see the verse spoken of earlier: “Behold I come as a thief. Blessed be he that watcheth and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame. God shall gather them together into a place called Armageddon and then the seventh Angel pours out his vial and a great voice comes out of the temple from the throne saying ‘It is done.’” And it goes on to say how there will be “lightnings and voices and thunders and a great earthquakesuch as one as never has been since men were upon the earth such an earthquake so great.” Some, however, (Rev. Heidt, others) do not believe that this earthquake will be literal, but rather that it speaks of the great magnitude of the collapse of Antichrist’s system worldwide. And this certainly could be the case.
Verse 19: “And the great city was divided into three parts and the cities of the Gentiles fell. And great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give her the cup of the wine of the indignation of his wrath,” and great Babylon is Rome. “Rome, the great Babylon, is also destroyed and the cities of the Gentiles are laid waste. These cities are probably the capitals of those nations that submit to the domination of the neo-pagan empire of Rome and thus become parts of the empire of Antichrist. (Verses 20, 21): The severity of divine judgments against all unfaithful nations is graphically portrayed by the symbolic expressions of these verses. The destruction of the ancient Roman empire is described in almost identical language” (Rev. E. S. Berry, The Apocalypse of St. John). Get ready, America.And Rome, your days are numbered; the handwriting is already on the wall, as the prophet Daniel prophesied regarding King Baltasar: “MANE, THECEL, PHARES… this is the interpretation of the word. MANE: God hath numbered thy kingdom, and hath finished it. THECEL: thou art weighed in the balance, and art found wanting. PHARES: thy kingdom is divided…” (Daniel 5: 25-28).
The coming of the King and the end of Babylon
Apoc. 16 concludes: “And every island fled away and the mountains were not heard, and great hail like a talent came down from heaven upon men and men blasphemed God for the plague of the hail because it was exceeding great.” After the fall of Babylon is described at length in Apocalypse, Chap. 18, St. John then foretells the coming of the King (of Zion), Christ Himself, clothed in garments stained with the blood of the martyrs and mounted on a white horse: “I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war with him that sat upon the horse and upon and with his army. And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet who brought signs before him wherewith he seduced them who received the character of the beast and who adored his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire burning with brimstone. And the rest were slain by the sword of him who sitteth upon the horse which proceedeth out of his mouth and all the birds were filled with their flesh” (Ch.19: 13, 19-20).
Some question the fact these two men shall be cast alive into the pool of fire, since John 23 and Paul 6 are already dead. But who is to say Christ will not raise them from the dead to be cast into hell — the first of the damned, being the most reprobate of all — in anticipation of the Final Judgement? For at the Final Judgment which is then imminent, both those destined for Heaven and deserving Hell will be resurrected and judged. Kramer says that because they have already been cast into the pool of fire they will not be resurrected for the General Judgment. Or it may be that the successors of Antichrist in Rome are meant here, since these men all form one diabolical system.
The character or mark (etymologically meaning a sign or impression) of the beast according to Rev. Arminjon and others is to be a hellish sort of baptism that denies the Trinity, which the Novus Ordo sect has accomplished in changing the form and intention of baptism to Holy Spirit from Holy Ghost, (see here). Nor is there mention in the ceremony of the bestowal of sanctifying grace or the removal of original sin. Instead the child or adult is “initiated into the community” and is “empowered to sanctify creation.” The same could be said of invalid Novus Ordo ordination, where the fingers of the priest and the heads of the bishops are anointed with oil, and those anointed in confirmation are confirmed as soldiers of the Antichrist and his hellish system. All this because Paul 6 changed the form of ALL the Sacraments instituted by Our Lord.
If Enoch and Elias are meant to appear physically, (and some commentators believe they have already come and gone in various individuals), it will be now. It will take awhile for this war to play out. Past world wars have lasted about four years if we count just America’s involvement, not Europe’s. The Two Witnesses will teach for three and a half years if they do arrive, so this would fit that time frame. Francis is now openly spouting his heresies, not cleverly veiling them in ambiguous terms as did his predecessors. This final manifestation of Antichrist “…will observe no restraint, will show his hand and act openly” (Rev. Charles Arminjon, End of the Present World and Mysteries of the Future Life), representing the heighth of iniquity. But Francis may soon be a thing of the past if reports about his health and his recent physical appearance is any indication. So who will be the next antichrist? Do we even want to know?
Pray and watch
What we must watch now is the progression of this new war. Yes, Christ told us there would be wars and rumors of wars (Matt. 24: 6). But the book of Apocalypse above also tells us there will be a final battle. This war could drag out for awhile, or it could culminate very quickly in a major confrontation involving Russia, China, No. Korea, No. Vietnam, other southeast Asian countries, India and of course America and her allied forces in Europe. Gog and Magog (Apoc. Ch. 20: 7) represent the sum total of this battle, for they are first mentioned in Ezechiel Ch. 39 as arriving “in the latter days.” Commentators generally agree that these two forces symbolize the nations of the entire world, something that has become possible only in our own time.
In Apoc. 9:16 the size of Antichrist’s army is estimated at 20,000 times 10,000, or as Rev. Leo Haydock comments on this verse”…200 millions. Such an immense multitude cannot be accounted for but by supposing a great part of it to consist of the infernal beings in human form as it is doubtful whether there be that number of men capable of bearing arms upon the whole globe of the earth.” In Haydock’s 19th century this surely did seem impossible but not in our own, especially given the populations of China and India alone. This is yet another sign that should the Israeli war appear to be headed for Armageddon, this definitely indicates that only in this time period could such a battle take place. For these forces are all comprised of those aligned with the monetary system of Antichrist, to which the church in Rome, along with the U.S., has been tied to for at least 65 years. So when great Babylon falls, so falls the world’s economic system, as Apocalypse Ch. 19 foretells, and Rev. Berry explains above.
That the Novus Ordo church was created as the tool of American efforts by the CIA to spread democracy and ecumenism across the globe is explained in The Phantom Church in Rome and by the author David Wemhoff in his workon John Courtenay Murray, also in several other works. But this war will not make sense to those who have no understanding of these facts, and no idea that Antichrist has come and gone, leaving his system to reign in his stead. Could the scenario described above be yet in the future? Of course; none of us knows or can know for certain what God has planned for us. Yet many of those who do not believe this is the time of Antichrist know that the cabal that controls the world’s monetary system must be broken in order for those enslaved by its yoke to survive, monetarily and physically.
But doesn’t Ch. 17-18 of Apocalypse describe the fall of Great Babylon and the collapse of this system? And do not the chapters preceding it and the Book of Daniel, also Matthew Chap. 24, also 2 Thess. 2 of St. Paul prophesy regarding the coming of Antichrist BEFORE this system collapses? Christ could scarcely come to destroy Antichrist and his rule over the nations, taking down Babylon with him, if that evil one did not precede the creation of that system. Because the operation of error rules, truth has been cast down to the ground. As we have pointed out before, Catholics exiting the Vatican 2 church after the abrogation of the Latin Mass left because of its cessation; yet they didn’t read the Scriptures or the works of the saints and Fathers! That cessation could happen only following the reign of Antichrist. Even the private revelations so many relied upon to inform them about what was happening to the Church told them that much.
Jesus commands us to understand our times
Most likely it was fear of ridicule or at least the prospect of being discredited in the eyes of their contemporaries — of taking the RADICAL, versus the more commonly accepted stance — that kept them from fully realizing the implications of all that had taken place. In his The Mystery of Iniquity, (1945) Rev. Paul Furfey wrote: “At times it is disconcerting to reflect that Christ expects us to do what He did… We can call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ only to the extent that we dare to imitate Him… There must be no guilty silences; we must tell the whole truth. By telling the whole truth we shall make it clear that our fundamental doctrine is as different as possible from materialistic teachings… It will attract ridicule, ostracism and finally persecution but it is our plain duty.” LibTrads, however, as explained in an earlier blog, have interrupted the thinking processes of their followers and have deflected them from performing this duty in order to solidify and more firmly entrench their own position, false teachers that they are. The arrival and identification of Antichrist publicly is an unpleasant and inconvenient truth. But it is more than that — it is a truth that must be fully appreciated in order to save our souls, to survive spiritually in times of outright persecution. “For he that endures unto the end shall be saved” (Mark 13:13).
It is our Lord Himself who has commanded us to learn these things in His discourse on the end times: “When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth, let him understand” (Matt 24: 15). And again he tells us through St. John in Apoc: 13: 18: “Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.” Yes, the discourses on how we are to interpret this number and what it will really mean are few and they do not all agree, because they could not see what we see today. But if we COUNT that number, as the verse tells us to do, it is clear that it applies in many different ways to Giovanni Baptiste Montini, Paul 6, the fulfillment of the Mystery of Iniquity. How do we know this? “Let [us] count the ways…” as in the old Browning sonnet. The commentators, even St. Robert Bellarmine, said only those living in these times would fully know and understand.
Evil times and false prophets
We also know what kind of man he will be, and how he will appear as an invalidly elected pope, which Pope Paul IV taught us infallilbly in his bull, Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, where he defined such a usurper as the abomination of desolation. This we discussed in our last blog. Furthermore, we know we live in these times because Christ tells us that they will be times of “…great tribulation such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be” (Matthew 24:21). And the same thing is prophesied in Daniel 12:1: “But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great Prince who stands for the children of thy people and a time shall come such as never was from the time that nations began, even until that time.” In Luke 21:18 Christ predicts that during these times: “…a hair of your head shall not perish.” Some believe this means that these persecutions will be mostly spiritual although of course some will be martyred towards the very end.
“For many shall come in my name… and they will seduce many” (Matt. 24:5). “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you beforehand” (Matt. 24: 24-25). And St. Timothy tells us: “In the last days shall come dangerous times… Evil men and seducers shall grow worse and worse, erring and driving into error” (2 Tim. 3: 1,13). And yet no one has believed our Lord or his Apostles, and thus have fallen victim to these seducers. Rev. Leo Haydock writes on thee verses: “Would Christians attend to the injunctions of their divine Master… we would not see the miserable confusion occasioned in the Catholic Church by unsteady Christians who are guilty of schism, forsaking the one, true fold and one true shepherd, to follow their blind and unauthorized leaders.” Even if Catholics identified the abomination of desolation warned about in Daniel and by Christ in Matt. 24 only with the cessation of the Continual Sacrifice, they should have been on guard regarding the dangers of following these blind guides. But we know this was not the case, and that the operation of error spoken of by St. Paul has prevailed.
Time is running out
God has pleaded with His people in Zach. 1: 2-6; Jer. 51: 45, Joel 2: 12-14; 2 Cor. 6: 14-18 and Apoc. 18:4, to repent and convert; it is never too late but I am afraid we are running out of time. Some commentators believe that after the destruction of Antichrist and with him a large portion of the human race, a brief time will be given for those who are left to repent — among them the Jews — prior to the Second Coming. But God has already given Catholics the opportunity to repent and they have refused it. In the early days of the Church, those guilty of crimes were deprived of the Sacraments, Holy Mass and Church membership indefinitely for certain grave offenses, until Church authorities decided they had performed sufficient penance for their sins. As we have noted before, we have been designated, as was our Lord, to be the scapegoats in these times, to be punished for our own sins, yes, but also to be punished for the sins of the wicked generation that began slowly departing from Catholic belief before we were ever born.
Those who have accepted this punishment and heeded God’s warnings have tried to expiate for the sins of the rest. The laborers in the vineyard who labored even a short time were paid the same as those who had worked all day, so latecomers need not despair. What is written here is an attempt to point those seeking the truth to the places where they may find them — the popes, the councils, the Fathers and doctors, Canon Law and approved theologians. This in an effort to accomplish what is written here: “And behold a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch, of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge over all her treasures, had come to Jerusalem to adore. And he was returning, sitting in this chariot, and reading Isaias the prophet. And the Spirit said to Philip: Go near and join thyself to this chariot. And Philip running thither, heard him reading the prophet Isaias. And he said: Thinkest thou that thou understandest what thou readest? Who said: And how can I, unless some man shew me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him” (Acts 8: 27-31).
Sit with us and ponder these things; pray unceasingly and do not slumber, but watch for the Bridegroom, keeping oil at the ready for your lamps. Do not risk being thrown into the outer darkness. For “Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? Prudent, and he shall know these things? For the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall in them” (Hosea 14:9). Let us all be as those spoken of in Daniel 12: 3: “But they that are learned shall shine as the brightness of the firmament: and they that instruct many to justice, as stars for all eternity.”
A lot of good understanding here..however, concerning the ‘chosen people’ of the Torah — aka Old Testament — the real chosen people are clearly recorded as the descendants of Adam and Eve thru Seth…
Dear Jack,
Thank you for your comments. Please see the following articles to explain the thinking of the popes on the Jews, which we must adopt as our own. I have edited your comments here to avoid any perceived aggravation re the current situation developing in Israel.
Nice to see you quote Fr. Charles Arminjon’s book “The End of the Present World and Mysteries of the Future Life”. How many anti-popes have there been in the history of the institutional Catholic Church? Over 40? That does not exactly inspire confidence it has God’s blessing. Yesterday Oct. 13, 2023 the 106th anniversary of the “Miracle of the Sun” at Fatima, I sent out an email about how both Our Lady’s Guadalupe tilma and the “Miracle of the Sun” is a Prophecy about “THE END of the Present World” & “In THE END, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph” was the promise of Our Lady of Fatima.
Dear Mark,
I don’t know if you have read my blogs on millenarianism and the end of the present age or not but put these words into the search engine and read these articles if you like. Also, a distinction should be made here between antipopes in the past and the situation we see today. First of all, antipopes (estimated at 29) never reigned in the past unless true popes also reigned to oppose and condemn them. Except for the time of the Western Schism, the large majority of the faithful followed the true pope with a tiny minority following the antipope. Even during the Western Schism a true pope reigned but no one was certain which of the three he was until the Council of Constance was held. Later Pope Benedict XIV determined that Gregory XII and his line constituted the true line of popes.
Christ promised Peter HIS faith would never fail; He did not promise us there would be no challenges to the papacy and that evil men would not attempt to destroy the Church. Quite the opposite. The difference between the antipopes in previous centuries and those reigning from Rome today is that no true pope rose to oppose the first invalidly elected pretender, John 23, making him and all who followed him outright usurpers, not antipopes. That is why we call what happened the Great Apostasy — the hierarchy all became heretics and apostates and followed the false pope. It helps us to gain greater certainty regarding the actual existence of this event because it has never occurred before in the Church’s long and glorious history.
Guadalupe and Fatima fall into the realm of private revelations, and the Church does not ask us to predicate our faith and belief on these revelations but on the dogmas proclaimed by popes and councils. As I explained in blogs posted last year, Catholics can still believe that Our Lady appeared at Fatima and worked a miracle there but we must be very careful of the reported content of the message she left, as it is most probable it was corrupted just as the La Salette message was likewise corrupted. We know that Sr. Lucy was replaced by a double, but not when this replacement occurred. She was likely held prisoner to some degree at least before that. Pope Pius XII opened an investigation into this in 1953, and shortly after that he was poisoned, as his own doctor reported.
In the end Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart WILL triumph; Satan and his cohorts will all be cast into Hell and Antichrist’s system will be entirely destroyed, at long last. I have no doubt Our Blessed Mother will play a significant part in this, but exactly how it will all come to pass remains a secret of God connected to the last days of earth, for He alone knows the day and the hour.
In Our Lady’s Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart,
Teresa Benns
Dear Teresa,
It is indeed pointless to “watch” the Novus Ordo or to read daily “traditional” “independent” commentaries on NO news published by shadowy anonymous online sources, or to watch videos about the latest outrage produced by people dressed up as monks; we know the score, Rome is now the seat of the Antichurch, it’s taken over the entire apparatus.
The trads have an obsession over watching this car wreck. Not realizing that gazing upon the gore is not going to purify their souls, populate heaven, or give them light to penetrate the darkness.
I want to show some kindness towards them, having been fooled by the whole show at one time myself, but it’s high time any of them with the least iota of good will just snap out of it already. The fight is not to restore the Church and “bring back the Latin Mass,” but it’s merely to keep the Faith and to suffer for it in a world that appears to be a complete lost cause.
I think back to what was in my mind when I sought out “valid” clergy at “independent” chapels, and the thinking was that somehow, somewhere, the last few real remaining bishops would one day soon emerge, quickly elect a pope, ordain and consecrate men, and from that moment (cue the glorious high-church organ soundtrack) we would see the great new rise of Christendom, all wrongs would be righted, Rome would be alight in glory, the nations would yield, good men everywhere would be vindicated — and maybe in my favorite tweed I would light a pipe in my study, sit back and contemplate a few lines of Chesterton before dashing off another victory letter to some correspondent.
But, no. Sorry guys, it’s much more gloomy — horrific, actually, heart-wrenching, dolorous and sorrowful — and none of that glory is coming because it can’t. I’m not looking for bishops; I’m looking for Enoch and Elias. It appears that recent events and the way of the world now is making it plain to see: there is no “papal restoration” in sight, and there is no good to come in attending and supporting “independent” chapels and clergy that are all completely outside of the Church. And when you get it (what helped me see it, in the past half-decade or more, was in part knowing and realizing that there wasn’t anybody left, any traceable part of the hierarchy has passed away), and when these things are revealed to you, you know that spending Sundays in a half-baked chapel run by bumbling laymen and grifting, irresponsible clergy is the last thing you should be doing.
The illusion, as Barbara Linaburg would say, is an authentic one — but it isn’t real. So another word I use to describe the Traditionalists are Ritualists, because they are sole-focused, absolutely sole focused, on keeping the rituals of the Roman Catholic Church alive, not seeing (or not wanting to see) that a ritual is nothing outside of the purview of its God-sent authority, and if the authority is gone, the ritual cannot be performed, cannot exist. You can ape it, but then it’s only an act, an illusion, it’s the difference between a movie and real life. Christ did not send the $$PX, nor did He send any of the “independent” clerics and their chapels and operations.
No, not a one of them are “keeping the fire of the Catholic Church alive,” which is what their congregations are led to believe, but it just isn’t so — no matter what the ritual, none of these clergy come from the Church, and none are put into these weird chapels at the behest of the Church. The Eastern Rite hierarchy offer no answer, either, because it’s still a part of Antichurch, it still reports to its leaders, it still has no jurisdiction in the Catholic Church, no matter how “traditional” those rites and rituals remain (and they quickly aren’t; the ER bishops love heresy and apostasy as much as the Romans do).
There is a popular directory of “traditional” Mass sites across the world, maintained and updated for 30 years, and there isn’t a real Roman Catholic priest listed among the lot of them. How can there be? Where in the world are the bishops? How can there be a priest to operate anywhere without a bishop? And bishops, how can there be bishops operating without a pope? It’s all as impossible and ridiculous and as cowardly as believing that the Antichurch is still somehow also the Church (just when they say and do bad things look away and ignore them).
But we have much more important things to contemplate, too, than the Traditionalists (or Ritualists), or Francis, or any of these other distractions. I don’t know if this is finally now the end, or if both the Ages of the Father and of the Son have passed and we have entered a two-millennia Age of the Holy Ghost, or if it is the middle of the end and it will take another five hundred some years to finish. If we cry to God day and night, that does not make us the elect, but I do know that the elect do cry to Him day and night, and the elect are winners, and we should seek to win, as we are assured that their revenge will be quick, as in Luke 18:7-8.
But yet — the question then asked, “the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth,” especially posed with that preceding “but yet,” has a very clear, implied, and chilling answer. So I would say that the elect would have to pass away completely before the second coming of Christ. And the way things stand in the world, anything is possible at any moment.
Just because we are praying at home does not mean we are guaranteed to save our souls; none of us know if this will be the case. As for the faithful being alive at the final consummation, St. Thomas says they will be, and will pass through Purgatory in this way when the world is consumed. Believe it or not, there are internet reports of Enoch and Elias sitings in various places. Of course if they are truly here, God will somehow make us aware of this so we may join our own poor efforts to theirs. Thanks for your comment.
Could you show those internet reports of Enoch and Elias? Haven’t heard of it before.
God bless.
I can’t, because they come from TikTok and I am not sure they can be verified. We need to keep watching for them though!
Dear Teresa,
thank you for article.
What is your opinion about the prophecies of St. Malachy? Could Antipope Francis be the Petrus Romanus prophesied by St. Malachy?
Dear Rihard,
The theologians generally admit that St. Malachy’s prophecies cannot be trusted after about the 17th century, for at that point it appears that is when a divergence in his writings can be seen and someone else “finished” them for him. Francis could be in there, as Malachy mixes true popes with antipopes. But no, I do no believe it is him.
Thank you for answer.
“less no flesh be saved” How are we to understand this phrase? Since the rapture theory is wrong and also after the second coming of Christ, as far as I understand, everyone will experience some kind of death, how is the saving of flesh to be understood?
Rev. Haydock says that it means the faithful living in the time of Antichrist, that if the times were not shortened none of them would be saved. Another commentator says that it means no souls would be saved, which is basically the same thing. The Church will last until the consummation, so souls will exist till the world is consumed by fire. We are the Church and there are not very many of us left already!
I do not believe it is him. No. The pope taken Apocalypse 12 –Fr. Kramer and Berry both say a disputed papal election… We had one. 1958. White smoke, Black smoke, then white smoke again three days later and John23 eclipsed the Roman Catholic Church. The rest is history. 2 Thes 2[6] And now you know what withholdeth{TRUE POPE}, that he may be revealed in his time(taken Oct 26, 1958 and to be revealed… see prophecy below}. [7] For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold{The True Popes of Jesus Christ}, until he be taken out of the way.(taken to God’s throne Apocalypse 12} [8] And then that wicked one shall be revealed (John23 made the way for Paul666} whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth;{Quo Primum has destroyed Paul666 Novus Bogus} and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming,{Apocalypse 14:14 Kramer and Berry both say is the Pope taken Apocalypse 12} him, [9] Whose coming is according to the working of Satan {yes indeed Paul666 carried the broken cross invented by witches in the 6th century}, in all power{the world powers loved him and let him destroy the world Paul666 opened the gates of death east side of Eden}, and signs, and lying wonders,{everything is fake the antichrist and his pharmaceuticals don’t heal Jesus doesn’t just make a stump feel better he gives you a new hand see Lourdes} [10]
And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish{the iniquity of being taught by Catholic? Professors – you are your own god…didn’t go so well in the garden of Eden we all got thrown out of the garden for that iniquity and seduction}; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.{The Supreme Teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church the Most Pure Spouse of Jesus Christ} Therefore God shall send them the operation of error{Vatican II wearing the unholy spotted garment of LGBTQ and idols Pachamama+++}, to believe lying:{That fake pope can put idol on the Throne of Jesus Christ and everyone can just do what they damn well please… We don’t have to pay the Piper with the True Mass… the rats won’t return…tra la la} NOT!
Christian Trumpet 1873 CHAPTER XI. PROPHECY OF RODOLPHUS GEKNER. Pages 192 – 193 “Before the middle of the nineteenth century ѕєdιтισns shall arise in Europe, especially in France, Switzerland, and Italy. Republics will be proclaimed, monarchs will be killed, high and zealous ecclesiastics will be murdered, and religious persons will have to leave their monasteries and convents. Famine, pestilence, and earthquakes shall destroy many cities. Rome shall by wicked men be deprived of her sceptre. The Church of God will first be subject to pay tribute, then she will be despoiled of her temporalities. Some time after, the Pope shall be no more…
Dear Anna,
Welcome to betrayedcatholics and thank you for commenting.
I excerpted this last part of the quote from Gekner in your post to clarify it here.
“A great prince of the North with a most powerful army will traverse all Europe, uproot all republics, and exterminate all rebels. His sword, moved by Divine power, will most valiantly defend the Church of Jesus Christ He will combat in behalf of the true orthodox faith, and shall subdue to his dominion the Mahometan Empire. A new pastor of the universal Church (Pastor Funalis) will come from the shore (of Dalmatia) through a celestial prodigy, and in simplicity of heart adorned with the doctrines of Jesus Christ. Peace will be restored to the world.”
If we still had any way to elect a true pope, this might be true. But it is based on the belief in the era of peace, the Great Monarch-Great Pope following Antichrist’s reign theory that many Protestants and Freemasons promoted and even inserted into some of the prophecies. This was true of La Salette and possibly Marie Julie Jahenny, also others. It originally was based on an old German folk tale. Pope Pius XII condemned the notion of a 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth; many commentators believe we have already seen the 1,000 years. Please see the articles on Millenarianism and Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis (use search engine) on this site.
God bless,
Teresa Benns
If we still had any way to elect a true pope, this might be true…
I agree. Jesus took the true pope/Indefectibility+++ to his very throne in 1958(Apocalypse 12) for if He did not the Snakes would have quite literally done to him what they did to the little martyred boys of History found on Good Friday crucified and drained of blood. Jesus died for his Spouse and He is crucified only once. Consider: Our Lord picked up the earthbound Church i.e., the Papacy off its foundations where it reigns on His very throne. Did not the Holy house at Nazareth get picked up off its earthbound foundations and fly through the air to land originally in Dalamatia???? See Catholic Encyclopedia. We are at an impasse I agree and you are magnificent showing there is no human possible way to elect a true pope. The Almighty keeps his promises — the Bride is spotless and reigns on His throne; the gates of hell have not prevailed.
The sacraments nor the hierarchy can ever be lost per the definition of Indefectibility. Our Lord picked up the newly elected pope the Child of Her labor who is destined to rule with a rod of iron (in the period of peace)… He did this for the same reason he picked up and moved His Holy House. To defend it from desecration. Why look what the snakes did to Cardinal Mindszenty they mocked him, put words in his mouth. Our head has already been crucified. Mathew 24 did say the heavens would be moved. In the Apocalypse the Heavens = the Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. The heavens were moved. Rome lost the faith… not the Pope.
When the Pope was taken to the throne… Rome became the seat of Antichrist Paul 666 who ruled both diametrically opposed kingdoms… the Priory of Sion never elected another pope. Full disclosure by the Mother of God she said Eclipse she did not say the sun would set and after an eclipse the sun’s shine is seen in all brilliance. During the eclipse one sees half shadows… Rome spewed continually half-truths talking always for the right maybe not so much anymore but acting always for the left to destroy faith. What a mess. I will use another fairy tale to help bring the meaning. The Swan Princess Fairytale. The True Bride is whisked away and an imposter takes up residence in Her palace and intend to wed the Prince. The imposter wears the spotted garment which is unholy and unchaste. This alone should have given her away but most were fooled into believing the Scarlet woman was the pure and spotless bride because she was living in the palace. When the true bride returns all is well the divided kingdom is unified and lives happily ever after.
Jesus disappeared several times… why else would the guard say hold him fast. That the Pope was taken to safety requires faith. It is a test and disclosed by Fr. Berry almost 100 years ago. I choose to believe it. I believe he will be back and shorten the days or else no flesh would be saved. We don’t deserve to be saved or have a period of peace. Our Lady with her Gideons army purchased it. Back in the Old Testament Moses purchased a similar reprieve. Did he not say to the Almighty do you want to be the God who saved His people out of Egypt to just destroy them under your holy mountain… The errors of Russia were on parade – they deserved what was coming to them. Idols and human sacrifice sexual license maybe no full-blown LGBTQ but rioting and mayhem anyway… Israel His Bride was wearing the spotted garment. Apocalypse 14:14 says the one LIKE the son of man. LIKE. Who is like Jesus but His Vicar?
Thank you very much for all you do. We will have to agree to disagree. The signs are all around consider the magnificent wedding ring of fire eclipse of the 14th the wedding ring eclipse moved onto the wedding finger of Virgo at exactly high noon directly above the body of Christ/Corpus Christi Texas …with this ring I thee wed …I now pronounce you man and wife. What a sign !!! Apocalypse 19[7] Let us be glad and rejoice, and give glory to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath prepared herself.
[8] And it is granted to her that she should clothe herself with fine linen, glittering and white. For the fine linen are the justifications of saints.
[9] And he said to me: Write: Blessed are they that are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb… We even have a live comet above us in the shape of a sickle. Halleluia! Apocalypse 14[14] And I saw, and behold a white cloud; and upon the cloud one sitting like to the Son of man, having on his head a crown of gold, and in his hand a sharp sickle. Recall when the Romans marched into Jerusalem Haley’s comet was above her in the form of a sword. The End is near… the end of them… the Snakes!!! Our Lady is about to rid the world of them. Not the end of us. The meek will inherit the earth.
Daniel 2 [44] But in the days of those kingdoms the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, and his kingdom shall not be delivered up to another people, and it shall break in pieces, and shall consume all these kingdoms, and itself shall stand for ever.
Once Pope Pius XII made the decision that one could not preach a 1,000 peace after Antichrist we can no longer believe that peace will come. Fr. Berry wrote before this decision was made. We may be granted a brief time for repentance perhaps, but no lengthy peace, and no new pope. We must believe that the Church will last as She was constituted, yes, but that constitution depended on the will of man. Christ WISHED his Church to last; the Pope should have perpetual successors — that is what the Vatican Council teaches. We believe the popes and councils, not private prophecy! By a miracle yes, Christ could restore His Church, but tell me — who would prefer He restore it to living with Him forever in Heaven?!
May the Holy Ghost enlighten you.
Dear Teresa,
Thank you for your clarity. I definitely prefer to live with Christ forever in Heaven. I am so grateful for Pope Pius XII’s ruling on the matter of the 1000 years. What a relief!
God bless you!
God bless you too!