Catacomb Catholics

Although we have not yet been forced underground literally today, the shroud of silence cast around the entire pray-at-home position has obscured the truths about the end of days in which we live. Read the articles below for our position.

At home, but not alone


The lithograph of the catacombs above, taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia, is located in the Fractio Panis in Rome, dated about the third century. It uses symbols from the Last Supper to depict a Eucharistic theme. The lithograph below, also from the Catholic Encyclopedia, shows the catacomb of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music. It is located in the same complex as the catacomb of St. Callixtus, an area that eventually became the first official cemetery of the Roman Church. According to the Salesians, “The catacombs of St. Callixtus are among the greatest and most important of Rome. They originated about the middle of the second century and are part of a cemetery complex which occupies an area of 90 acres, with a network of galleries about 12 miles long, in four levels, more than twenty meters deep.” Scores of martyrs, 16 popes and numerous Christians also were buried there. The catacombs take their name from the deacon Callixtus who Pope Zephyrinus named as the administrator of the cemetery in the early third century. In one of the basilicas adjoined to the cemetery, Pope Zephyrinus and that dear martyr of the Eucharist, St. Tarcisius, are believed to lie at rest. A special area of the cemetery is known as “the little Vatican,” because it was the official burial place of nine popes and certain third-century Church dignitaries.


St. Cecilia Catacomb Catholics

St. Cecilia Catacomb



Although we have not yet been forced underground literally today, the shroud of silence cast around the entire sedevacantist position, (for the See is vacant, although this must not be taken as a carte blanche to behave as Traditionalists) has obscured the truths about the latter days times in which we live. Who would believe us, even if we told them, that since the death of Pope Pius XII, imposters have reigned from Rome?! Today our homes have become the catacombs, and there we worship in relative peace, but perhaps not for long.  It is our hope that these pages will grow in content to eventually cover all those situations in which Catholics, persecuted for their faith, may eventually find themselves.  

We live in perilous times, just as those in the third century lived. And may our Lord and His Blessed Mother grant us the grace and strength to either die as martyrs, as they did, or pray that God in His mercy takes us out of this world before those tortures begin. All holy saints now resting in the catacombs, pray for us!

Bust of Christ from the Catacomb of Pontianus, ninth century

Bust of Christ from the Catacomb of Pontianus, ninth century




  1. Catacomb Catholics — Introduction
  2. Catacomb Catholicism in Practice
  3. They Have Taken Away My Lord (PDF)
  4. The Church of Silence in Russia, Pt. I: 1917-1976
  5. Pray-at-home Catholics in 19th Century France
  6. The Church of Silence in Russia, Pt. II: 1976 to the Present
  7. Faculties Given to Hierarchy (Behind the Iron Curtain)
  8. In Defense of “Home Alone” — Rebutting Ruby’s Rant
  9. More on Ruby’s Rant: A Headless Church is No Church
  10. Traditionalist AND Orthodox Sacraments Are Invalid
  11. Good Shepherd Sunday: Deliver Us From Schismatic Pastors
  12. Living Stones: Offering Oneself as a Spiritual Sacrifice
  13. Persecution: The Fifth Mark of the Church
  14. 6-24 St. Basil, others on past evils recurring in our own times


Living in the End Times


  1. Unless you do penance, we shall all perish
  2. How long will Antichrist’s reign last?
  3. Links to End Times Articles
  4. Spiritual TEOTWAWKI
  5. Antichrist and the Commentators
  6. The Final Chapter – Apocalyptic Prophecy Fulfilled
  7. Did the Ten Lost Tribes Convert to Catholicism Long Ago?

Marian Apparitions


  1. La Salette and Our Times
  2. The Fatima Cypher
  3. Fatima According to the Liturgical Year
  4. The Fatima Controversy

Martyrs for Our Times


  1. Father Emil Kapaun, martyred by the Reds, receives Medal of Honor
  2. The Story of St. Emericus, Patron of America
  3. St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
  4. The Mission of St. Therese
  5. St. Therese: Love is Repaid By Love Alone
  6. St. Hermenegild


Free Downloads, Online Reads


  1. Goffine’s Devout Instructions
  2. My Catholic Faith, Rev. Morrow
  3. Dom Gueranger’s Liturgical Year