by T. Stanfill Benns | Aug 16, 2021 | New Blog
+Feast of St. Joachim+
The latest false pope braying over the internet, Jacobus I, claims no one can prove Roncalli was a Freemason therefore he and his mass cannot be questioned. Forget the fact that Roncalli was the first to allow the insertion of the words “for all men” into the consecration of the wine in dialogue mass missalettes used by the faithful. This was one of the first acts he performed in January of 1959, following his election, at about the same time he appointed the future Paul 6 as a “cardinal.” Makes a person wonder doesn’t it? Dear Jacobus and his mindless followers forget that no one needs to prove ANYTHING regarding Roncalli’s Masonic connection: the Church has already weighed in on this. A doubtful pope is no pope and infallible papal documents defining the nature of elections and the inability of even suspected heretics to be elected cannot be questioned. If he truly knew Canon Law and his Faith, he would know this.
There is a reason why Traditionalists are so anxious to keep dear Angelo Roncalli as a true pope and his corrupted missal as a true Mass. Has anyone ever questioned why Society of St. Pius X hacks so strenuously defend Marcel Lefebvre against the charge of Freemasonry, but seem to simply brush off allegations of heresy? Or why they have worked for decades to discredit the Bull of Pope Paul IV, Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, as non-infallible and abrogated by the Code of Canon Law? All these issues have been addressed by this author for over three decades and not once has anyone presented a scintilla of evidence to prove otherwise. Roncalli was a known liberal on a Holy Office watch list, and that is not enough for them? It tells us what they are. As a suspected heretic he could never have been validly elected. He proved himself a friend of the Masonic sect both before and after his election, was a known Communist sympathizer and that is not enough either.
We are not the ones that have to prove anything; the burden of proof rests with them. We are the ones following the rules. When it involves a matter of faith, they must prove that the danger to the faith does not exist, not us (Canons 2200: “Given the external violation of the law the evil will is presumed in the external forum;” also Canon 21). They are the ones claiming a pope can be deposed, or rather deposes himself for heresy in the chair, (which cannot happen but let us take their erroneous claim to its logical conclusion). If a pope is automatically deposed, then most certainly a cardinal also loses his dignity, as Pope Paul IV teaches in his Cum ex Apostolatus Officio. And while cardinals may be exempt from censures, this cannot and does not apply to deviations from the faith. But Traditionalists cannot follow logic, nor do they have any intention of doing so. When questioned they simply intone “You must obey.” Well it is God and His law we must obey, not mindless men. They pretend that their “theologians” can refute these teachings with probable arguments. But please explain how the clear words of the Roman Pontiffs could ever be said to be a “probable conjecture about an uncertain affair,” when the Roman Pontiff is the Supreme Lawgiver and one can never DOUBT these teachings without falling into heresy!
We have no need to stand by presumption in the case of Roncalli’s validity; the case presented is grounded in irrefutable pontifical and conciliar teaching. This is superior to any presumption of law; it is perfect proof that cannot be overcome. This is clearly stated in Canons 1812, 1816 and 1819; pontifical documents properly entered into the AAS are considered official documents and they cannot be overcome as proofs. Those decisions concerning the law entered into the Acta Apostolica Sedis are considered authentic, (Can. 9; Humani Generis). They are binding in conscience and are to be held with at least a firm assent, (Can. 9; Msgr. J.C. Fenton, J.C.L, Rev. Billot and Rev. Connell as well as others). Canon 1812 tells us that acts issuing from the Roman Pontiff and the Roman Curia during the exercise of their office and entered as proof in ecclesiastical courts “prove the facts asserted,” (Can. 1816), and force the judge to pronounce in favor of the party producing the document, (commentary by Revs. Woywod-Smith). “Proof to the contrary is not admitted against Letters of the Roman Pontiff bearing his signature,” (Cicognani, ibid. p. 626, ft. note). Documents entered into the Acta Apostolic Sedis do not need to be submitted in the original or be an authenticated copy, (Can. 1819).
Let them find papal documents that support their case; they cannot. The seamless tunic that is the integral teaching of the Church makes such a thing impossible. Now that they have been “deprived” of the “mass” they treasure, the one authorized by a false pope collaborating with the very forces that destroyed the true Church, they dramatically claim they have been driven into the catacombs and dare to call themselves catacomb Catholics. Well they may well have to retreat to the underground, but let us not call their abode catacombs, for they are anything but Catholic. And the reason they may need to retreat there is not the one they claim, but one that we have warned about on this site for many years and have exposed for literally decades.
Priory of Sion
An organization known as the Priory of Sion first came into existence as a vanguard for the European monarchies with the creation of the Knights Templar in 1090, by one Godfroi deBoullion. Its official headquarters was Notre Dame du Mont de Sion in Jerusalem. This occurred nine years before the founding of the Knights Templar by Hugues de Payon, a vassal of the count of Champagne. How the two were connected is not clear from history, but regardless of their connection, the Priory remained a vital and moving force, which operated underground once the Templars suspected of worshipping idols and engaging in devil worship were condemned. After the organization was disbanded, it appears to have grown phenomenally in power and influence over the centuries and is thought to have helped foment the Protestant Reformation. The members of this organization believed that the monarchs of Europe, especially of France and England, through intermarriage, were direct descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. They deny the doctrine of Christ’s spiritual mission to make the monstrous claim that Jesus sired children by Mary Magdalene, also her sister Martha.
Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea, they hold, journeyed across the ocean with these children to Europe in 70 A.D. and the line of Christ’s “human” family was perpetuated, eventually siring French kings. The fables supporting this story vary, some saying a substitute was crucified for Christ or that He survived by magical means. In using the term, “Guardians of the Grail,” sect members refer to the womb of Magdalene bearing divine descendants, or the necessity of ensuring that the “blood royale” is preserved throughout the centuries. (This fable is also the basis for Mormonism, a product of Freemasonry.) Some also say that rebel “Abp.” Marcel Lefebvre, who founded the St. Pius X Society, was a member of the Priory. Lefebvre belonged to Action Francais, condemned by Pope Pius XI, and was a known monarchist. (Shortly before WWII, there was a movement underway to restore the French monarchy.)
This ancient heresy is nothing more than the continuation of pre-Christian Gnosticism into Christianity, to remove the spiritual element and introduce carnal pagan/gnostic Jewish elements. Jules LeBretton and Jacques Zeiller, S.J., in their work The History of the Primitive Church, Vol. II wrote: “Gnosis…almost always claims to be based upon some ancient message transmitted secretly by a chain of initiates…The hermetic books present themselves as revelations made to Hermes or received by him; others appeal to Asclepios. Similarly the Christian Gnostics place their revelation under the patronage of some apostle, or often, of Mary Magdalene, who is supposed to have received them from Christ before the Ascension.” In the case of the descendants from the Virgin Mary’s side of Christ’s family, who apparently migrated to Western Europe, a legitimate claim to “royal blood” could be made and was even taken into consideration by the Church. There is no mystery here nor any impure connotations; it was only later that the stories were circulated concerning Christ’s “union” with Mary Magdalen. These would arise only with the condemned Templar members, secretly, and finally publicly, with the official establishment of Freemasonry in the 1700s. Mormonism would later even teach this lie as part of their religion.
It is important to separate the departure of the Desposyni into various sects in the early centuries A. D. from the alleged migration of the Virgin Mary’s family members to Western Europe. The disaffected Desposyni may also have migrated to Western and Eastern Europe; or they may already have been living in Roman settlements in Gaul shortly after Christ’s death. Once they formally objected to the failure to retain Jewish customs and practice as part of Christianity, they ceased to be members of the Catholic Church. As such they would have comprised an already antagonistic resistance to both papal rule and the rule of any hierarchy not connected to Mary’s family. This ready-made seedbed of opposition may have provided support for those not content with a one-sided connection to Christ, who needed instead to believe they were divine themselves and superior to their fellow men. The Catholic Church suspected the true origins of this claim and denied the divine right theory. Divine right fueled the lay investiture controversy fought for years by the Church with its insinuation that a direct connection to Christ placed those nobility possessing it at least on an equal par with the hierarchy. In later centuries it would become the belief that man was a part of God and could attain divinity, (secular humanism).
Was John 23 a Priory initiate?
Constance Cumbey, an evangelical Protestant lawyer, fingered Roncalli in 1983 (Hidden Dancers of the Rainbow), when she wrote: “If there has been a single Catholic Pope who permitted the New Ager’s plan to take root within the Roman Catholic Church, it was Pope John XXIII, who is spoken of reverentially by New Agers and ‘Catholic’ modernists.” (p. 160.) This mammoth conspiracy has obviously covered all bases. Today, it is headquartered somewhere in France, probably the Languedoc region. Its surname indicates that it may have successfully penetrated all of the Catholic sects and factions, for it is given as Chivalry of Catholic Rules and Institutions of the Independent and Traditionalist Union or CIRCUIT, from a Priory publication of the same name, as mentioned above. It is also called “The Rose-Croix Veritas.” Its meetings and method of operation are shrouded in secrecy, but it could very well have been from this very group that the Traditionalist “priests” and bishops emanated on anticipation of the Church’s hostile takeover. Many of these Traditionalist clerics could not be traced through the Catholic Directory, had been dismissed for various reasons from their posts, or came from unknown backgrounds. This use of the world tradition, discussed in other blogs as a reference more akin to the heresy of Traditionalism and the neo-traditionalism now afoot today, was also noted by one of Roncalli’s biographers. “It was well known that Roncalli did not get along with the Roman Curia, who thought him an inept diplomat. He called them ‘the other school,’” as Meriol Trevor relates in her book Pope John. (p. 205.) This tag for curial officials indicates more than just disagreement, and indeed, Trevor relates on the same page: “…he thought of himself as representing a different tradition…With the least possible fuss, he went his own way.” (p. 206.) As the canny Catholic writer Mary Lejeune noted in the 1970s, the Gnostics had already set up their own “clergy” to sweep up dissenters following Vatican 2.
Roncalli’s behavior was consistent with that of a man who had received a mission. Knowing the extent of Masonic influence and infiltration in the Vatican, it has undoubtedly crossed the minds of many good Catholics that Brother Angelo was carrying out the orders of the Satanic Pontiff, the equivalent of Pope of all Masonry. Piers Compton, in his book The Broken Cross, relates the alleged initiation of Roncalli into the masonic lodge of the Rose Croix. Pier Carpi’s book The Prophecies of John XXIII, divulges that Roncalli took the name “Johannes” at his initiation, which apparently took place while he served as Apostolic Delegate to Istanbul, Turkey, in 1935. The connection of Roncalli with the Rosicrucians could perhaps be put aside if it were not for the fact that many of Roncalli’s subsequent actions can be seen to confirm such an affiliation. His remark concerning the unimportance of baptism and conversion in the case of the Jews he helped to escape during World War II certainly is in keeping with Masonic doctrine. And his later appointment as Nuncio to France, combined with his anti-Catholic behavior there, provides us with a clue to the source of his Masonic affiliations.
A French writer, Pier Carpi, in his book Les Properties de Jean XXIII, (1976), states that Angelo Roncalli took the name John XXIII, last used (1410-1415) by anti-Pope Baldassare Cossa, probably because under the name (i.e., Baldassare Cossa) he (Roncalli) joined the Masonic Rosicrucians in Turkey (1935). Further, Charles Riandey, a Masonic Sovereign Grand Master, contributed the following preface to Ecumenism as seen by a Traditionalist Freemason (Paris,1969) by Yves Marsaudon, State Minister of the Superior Council of France (Scottish Rite):
“To the memory of Angelo Roncalli, priest, Archbishop of Messamaris, Apostolic Nuncio in Paris, Cardinal of the Roman Church, Patriarch of Venice, Pope under the name of John XXIII, who has deigned to give us his benediction, his understanding and his protection.”
And according to Paul Murphy’s La Popessa, “(Bishop) Roncalli appointed Baron Yves Marsaudon, a close friend and 33rd degree Freemason, as head of the strictly Catholic organization [Knights of Malta] in France.” Several other works also confirm this. Pope Pius XII refused to allow the appointment of a new head for the Knights of Malta. According to John XXIII and Masonry – The Pope of the Council, (Sodalitium, Oct.-Nov. 1996):
“On November 14, 1951, Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere, Grand Master of the Order of Malta died in Rome. Normally, the Knights would have then convened to elect a successor; but they did not do so. They were unable to do so: Pius XII formally forbade them to do so. The Pope appointed a commission of Cardinals [Papal Commission] charged to reform (or suppress) the Order of Malta, and for the rest of the days of Papa Pacelli, the Knights would not have a Grand Master. All of that changed on June 24, 1961. On that date, the feast of Saint John the Baptist, patron of the Order (and of Masonry), John XXIII received the Knights at the Vatican, and to their great satisfaction, publicly issued the Brief by which the Commission of Cardinals instituted by Pius XII was suppressed,” (
“A certain number of Anglican Knights were received by the Grand Master of the Knights of St. John. The ante litteram ecumenism of the Order was extolled by Brother Marsaudon himself. (3) But most unsettling was the infiltration of Masonry into the Order of Malta. (4) This infiltration was confirmed by documents and admitted by the masons themselves, for example, Marsaudon and Mola. (5) This is why Cardinal Nicola Canali intervened. (6) Cardinal Canali, who had contributed to Pius X’s anti-modernist battle, was alarmed by the masonic infiltration that we have already mentioned.
“This is treated in the ‘Editorial Note’ of Marsaudon’s book, L’Oecumenisme vu par un franc-macon de Tradition, written by Editor Vitiano. “Attacked under the Pontificate of Pius XII, by the integrist Roman clan, he [Marsaudon] resigned his office of Plenipotentiary of the Order, but was immediately promoted to the high office of Minister Emeritus, the only Knight of Malta to currently have that distinction. The Grand Magistrate of Malta, in his struggle against Cardinal Canali, never abandoned Baron de Marsaudon who, from his side, was constrained to continue to give his services to the diplomatic and hospitalier plans. In fact, Marsaudon, a Freemason, was discovered to be in the Order, and that was the reason he was forced to resign.” (Marsaudon – who was none other than Roncalli’s dear French comrade.) “Also, Franco Belligrandi’s (disputed) account of the episode in his work Nikita Roncalli does not seem at all unfounded, and did much to clarify at least some of the affair:
“In this French period, an incident took place, ignored for the most part, which for a moment lifted the veil covering Roncalli’s presumed membership in the Masonic sect. A letter from Cardinal Canali, hard as a rock, was sent (9) to His High Eminence, Prince Chigi Albani della Rovere (10). Pius XII….had just learned….that the minister of the Order of Malta in Paris was a mason…He discovered that [Marsaudon] had been given “the Grand Magisterial Cross” on the recommendation of his predecessor [de Pierredon] and, above all, as is known, on the recommendation of the Nuncio in Paris, Roncalli. The result of this first inquest was immediately referred to the Vatican, to Cardinal Canali who exclaimed: ‘Poor Roncalli. I am upset at having to embarrass him and I hope that it won’t cost him the Cardinal’s hat…’ With the greatest circumspection, the Vatican decided to put the Order in Paris out to pasture and sent a person to Paris who would attend to this highly delicate affair. In effect, three persons implicated in this period are of central interest: the Nuncio, because of his collaboration with the Order of Malta over some delicate affairs in Argentina; the Comte de Pierredon for the many years of his service, first in Bucharest and then in Paris; and Baron Marasaudon himself, for meritorious work in obtaining the official recognition of the Order by the French government.’” (End of Anglefire site quote.) According to one of his biographer’s Meriol Trevor, “Pius XII himself criticized Roncalli for his extensive travels throughout France, objecting that it was unbecoming to a Nuncio, (Pope John, p. 206).
Dr. Cyril Andrade, writing in 1976, explains the paramount significance of this heretical document:
“In a previously circulated paper The New Mass is Invalid, one of the many reasons for invalidity I mentioned was that the Preface of the Fourth Eucharistic Prayer — one of the several such prayers that have replaced what used to be the Canon of the Mass in pre-Vatican II times — contained these words: “Father in Heaven, you alone are God” (denial of the Blessed Trinity).
“Before Vatican II, all Catholics were taught, even in kindergarten, that there are three Persons in God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, each being God. Now Vatican II tells us that only the Father is God, thus saying in unequivocal terms that Christ, God the Son, is not God. Also, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is not God.
“This heresy, i.e., the denial of the divinity of Christ and the Blessed Trinity, was raised in the first century by Cerinthus and the Ebionites; in the second century by the Monarchianists, and in the fourth century by Arius (the Arian heresy). This heresy was condemned by the Church on each of these occasions.
“Yet now, the new counterfeit church of Vatican II has revived this heresy and it has been swallowed, hook line and sinker, by some 800 millions of so-called Catholics. St. Paul prophesied a “Great Apostasy” in the latter days and this must surely be it, for today more Catholics have embraced Vatican II and its heresies than the 80% who embraced the Arian heresy in the fourth century. Broadly speaking, heretics fall into two groups:
- material heretics who hold heretical views from ignorance of the faith and -so are inculpable before God, and
- formal heretics who know they are heretics yet cling to their heresies and are therefore culpable before God.
“Is it possible to believe that those ostensible Catholics who accept Eucharistic Prayer IV, which denies the divinity of Christ, are merely material heretics. inculpable before God, and not culpable formal heretics?! The very idea is absurd. What profound theological knowledge is required to know this denial of Christ’s divinity, on which the entire Catholic Faith rests, is unadulterated heresy” (end of Andrade quote).
Even before his “election,” Roncalli had rehabilitated Marc Sangier, founder of the Sillon and “undisputed master” of the Christian Democrats. As Brother Michael of the Trinity relates: “Abp. Roncalli, in a letter clearly intended to be circulated in French political circles, canonized the founder of the Sillon [following his death], rejoicing that for their part ‘the most authoritative voices in French public life,’ Masonic, laicizing and Socialist voices, also canonized him in their own way,” (The Whole Truth About Fatima: The Third Secret, pg. 354). Vicomte Leon de Poncins in his Freemasonry and the Vatican documents in detail the favorable association with Roncalli and the secret societies during his “papacy.” It is important to note that the following papal condemnation, by virtue of Pope Paul IV’s bull Cum ex…, excommunicated Roncalli even before his election, and this was later confirmed by his relations with them as “pope,” documented by de Poncins.
Pope Clement XII wrote: “We command the faithful to abstain from intercourse with those societies in order to avoid excommunication… which will be the penalty imposed upon all those contravening this, Our order. None, except at the point of death, could be absolved of this sin except by…the then existing Roman Pontiff,” (In Eminenti, 1738; renewed by Pope Leo XIII in Humanum Genus, 1884). Commenting on Pope Clement’s statement, the Freemasonry expert Msgr. Jouin wrote: “Not only is the condemnation by Pope Clement XII extended to Masonic sects, but it applies also to all…who, although they are not members of societies called Freemasonic, favor them in any manner,” (Speech given Dec. 8, 1930). Monsignor Jouin received Pope Benedict XV’s Apostolic Blessing for his work.
— Since the Priory’s inception, according to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, “…every grand master, on assuming his position, has adapted the name Jean (French for John) …This succession was clearly intended to imply an Hermetic papacy based on John, in contrast (and perhaps, opposition) to the esoteric one based on Peter …Roncalli caused considerable consternation when he chose the name John XXIII, anathematized since it was last used … by an anti-pope … In 1958 (Jean) Cocteau held the grand mastership …(when) Pope Pius XII died …and the assembled cardinals elected Roncalli. …Cocteau did not die until 1963.” (pp. 132-133.) Roncalli was only a transitional Pope, and his death coincided with that of Cocteau. If both “thrones” fell vacant at the same time, did Montini alone fall heir to the “throne?” Was the “transition” Roncalli was designated to make the deliverance of the papacy into the hands of the “Satanic Pontiff?” The identity of the present grand master is unknown; there has not been one since Cocteau’s death. This is, in itself, a dire omen.
— Roncalli has been said to be obsessed with John the Baptist. Thus, he gave us the reason for selecting the name John as his love for Christ’s cousin. (See Urbi et Orbi, Oct. 1958.) Actually, John the Baptist and John the Evangelist are held in high esteem by Freemasons, who Piers Compton reports, make a point of meeting on their feast days (Dec. 27 and June 24). It is said by some that both John the Baptist and John the Divine were Essenes, although the Catholic Church has never favored this opinion. (See Essenes; Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911 edition.) Since the Essenes were a Jewish sect, the Church sees no need to bother with them. But not so Theosophists today, whose founder Helena Petrovna Blavatsky is the mother of the New Age thinking. The Theosophical Society has taken the Dead Sea Scrolls and presented them in such a manner that an entirely different Tradition, contrary to that handed down by the Church, is presented. The authors endeavor to accredit the Essenes with the lengthy ministrations of Christ during his early ministry, and so [they also claim] His cousins, who are part of His “bloodline.”
These “Essenic Gospels” are entirely Gnostic in character and emphasize what we know today as humanism. To claim that Christ could have thought this way is heresy, but then the Theosophists are heretics. (See DZ 2189.) But it provides us with an explanation for the use of the two Saints John. For as far as it can be determined, the Essenes, if not a secret society, were at least an elite who clung rigidly to all the old Jewish laws of fast and purification. Their tenor can probably be best described as hermetic (more Jewish than the Jews), which refers us back to its Catholic counterpart, the Hieron de Val d’Or. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, however, gives us the real reasons behind Roncalli’s use of the name John on page 55: “…the Templars were infected with the Johannite or Mandian heresy, which denounced Jesus as a false prophet and acknowledged John as the true Messiah.”
So Roncalli was honoring Masonic tradition. And Roncalli’s “mission,” mentioned earlier, was to act in a capacity which coincided with the role of his idol, John the Baptist. For Roncalli was the precursor; the voice crying in the modernist wilderness; the one who would prepare the way for the “Rex Mundi.” The reason for Roncalli’s choice of name is given by Jean Bardet in his Les Clefs De La Recherche Fondamentale. On page 72, he writes: “…Roncalli…was elected the 28th of October [and] took the name of John XXIII, in honor of France, for John XXIII was the last Pope of Avignon.” This is an interesting comment when we consider that the first John XXIII was elected at Pisa (a council never considered ecumenical by the Church) and was later deposed at Constance. It seems that the plan to unite the papacy and the monarchy was conceived long ago, but was dealt a setback once Martin V was elected at Constance and the papacy permanently established in Rome, once again. Roncalli’s contribution to the “bloodline,” as “pope” was to insert the “precious blood” into the divine Praises that the God-man might become a man-God, as surely it did when Montini (Paul 6) embarked on his campaign to deify man.
— In St. Malachy’s prophecies, John 23 is designated as “Pasteur et Nautionner” (Shepherd and Navigator). The official title of the Priory’s Grand Master is “Nautionnier.” Whether these prophecies are truly genuine, or clever forgeries as some have suggested (perhaps interjections by Masons themselves?), they accurately identified Roncalli’s dual personality while “pope.” And the objection cannot be made that Roncalli’s identification with Malachy’s “motto’ affords him legitimacy, for Malachy’s list contains mottoes for several anti-popes.
— Roncalli was the first pope to contradict the excommunication of his predecessors for membership in a Masonic sect. His relaxation of this application of canon law came with Pacem in Terris, which extolled the United Nations and granted a general relaxation of discipline begun at the start of Roncalli’s reign. In her Son of Perdition, C. Lereux relates: “John XXIII …allowed a revision of canon law to be expected. While awaiting these ‘new laws,’ everyone proceeded to do and say whatever they wished.” (p. 36.)
— In June of 1960, Roncalli issued an “apostolic letter” on the Precious Blood. The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grailclaim that he attached “…a hitherto unprecedented significance to that blood. It emphasized Jesus’ suffering as a human being and maintained that the redemption of mankind had been effected by the shedding of His blood … If man’s redemption was achieved by the shedding of Jesus’ blood, his death and resurrection become incidental.” (p. 135.) How strange that Roncalli would attach such significance to the very reason for the Priory’s existence if he was not a member. One would need to be very blind, indeed, to fail to make the connection between Roncalli and Freemasonry in the face of such damning evidence. We can chalk Roncalli’s successful imposture up to the fact that liberal charity “prohibited” the hierarchy from putting two and two together and taking the appropriate action.
It is difficult to see, considering what we know today, how Roncalli could have been anything OTHER than the false prophet spoken of in Apocalypse 13, vs. 11. E.S. Berry, in his Apocalypse of St. John, writes: “The beast arising from the earth is a false prophet, the prophet of Antichrist …the false prophet …will be endowed with the plenitude of satanic powers to deceive the nations, as indicated by his resemblance to the lamb. The prophet will probably set himself up in Rome as a sort of anti-pope” (p. 135.) Reverend P. Huchede, in his little work The History of AntiChrist, tells us: “…this false prophet will be an individual person … he will not be a king, or a general of an army, but a clever apostate fallen from the episcopal dignity … he will become the first preacher of the false messiah” (p. 24.) Rev. C.C. Martindale quotes Father Allo on the false prophet in his commentary on the Apocalypse: “…the false prophet represents that vague, solvent ‘toleration,’ which was then going to become Gnosticism …the lazy, flattering notion that all creeds are finally of a muchness is, indeed, as modern as it was prevalent in ancient but decadent days. There could then, be two ‘foci’ of anti-Christianity–the openly persecuting state and the vague, subservient ‘religion,’ which the state could patronize without damage to itself.” (A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, (p. 1206.)
All of the above is OUTSIDE the indisputable facts that Roncalli could not qualify as a canonically elected pope for several different reasons, not just those listed above. If all this does not constitute enough doubt to give pause to a truly rational human being, then the only conclusion that can be reached is that such beings no longer exist. Those supporting Roncalli’s mass and “papacy” are not true Catholics. They belong to that other heretical tradition Roncalli embraced — Traditionalism, Modernism, Americanism and the Masonic brotherhood.
Lefebvre and the Priory
Society of St. Pius X founder Marcel Lefebvre publicly uttered heresy June 29, 1976, before a crowd of approximately 500 friends and relatives of the men he “ordained” as “priests” and “subdeacons.” Lefebvre restated the Trinitarian heresy on this date almost verbatim, for in his speech to the crowd, he pronounced: “The humanity of our Lord Jesus was penetrated by the divinity of the Word of God …divinity itself descending into humanity.” In 537, Pope Vigilius condemned the following: “If anyone says or holds that the body of Our Lord Jesus Christ was first formed in the womb of the holy Virgin, and that after this, God, the Word, and the Soul, since it had preexisted, were united to it, let him be anathema” (DZ 205.) This excommunication was renewed by Paul IV in Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, and the infallibility of this document has been viciously attacked by Pius X Society theologians for decades. Strangely enough, the Albigensians teach this selfsame doctrine, since they deny the Trinity. This is yet another proof of Lefebvre’s affiliation with the Priory.
Is there a link between Lefebvre and the Priory of Sion? In the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail, we read on pages 155-186 a quote from one Jean Delaude, who the authors report addressed a pamphlet to the Priory: ‘For what is the Prieure de Sion preparing? I do not know, but it represents a power capable of confronting the Vatican in the days to come. Monsignor Lefebvre is a most active and redoubtable member, capable of saying: ‘You make me Pope, and I will make you King.’” The authors of this book (Holy Blood, Holy Grail) also identify one Abbe Ducaud-Borget as a one-time grand master of the Priory. Like Lefebvre, Ducaud-Borget was a prominent traditionalist in France and opposed Paul 6. The authors remind the readers that the Priory’s subtitle is “Chivalry of Catholic Rules and Institutions of the Independent and Traditionalist Union.” They inform us that before World War II, Lefebvre was a member of Action Francais, which sought to restore the French monarchy. They even address the possibility that Delaude may have deliberately attempted to discredit Lefebvre and Ducaud-Borget. But they concluded that both Lefebvre and the Abbe were, instead: “…agents provocateurs, whose objective was systematically to create turmoil, sow dissension,” and “foment schism…”
The February 1977 edition of the Kentucky publication Veritas quotes Dr. Hugo Maria Kellner’s Letter Number 72, of July 1977. The following excerpts are taken directly from this Letter:
– Lefebvre, in a U.S. speech August 28, 1971, compared his Fraternity to the Society of the priests of St. Sulpice (Kellner, p. 11.) The authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, implicate the Society of St. Sulpice as aiders and abettors of the Priory, calling them: “…a bastion of rather questionable orthodoxy.” (p. 120.)
– Lefebvre’s seminary is located in the diocese of Sion, Switzerland. Kellner reports Lefebvre’s Society to be: “…secured by a contractual agreement with the Vatican,” which “can only be dissolved by the Pope.” (p. 11.)
– Kellner reports on page 31 that Lefebvre calls each branch of his Society a “priory”(!)
– The subtitle of Lefebvre’s organization is “The Apostles of Jesus and Mary.” Which Jesus and Mary? — Jesus the Jewish prophet and Mary Magdalene, or Our Lord and His Blessed Mother?
– Newsweek magazine’s review of Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Feb. 22, 1982), quotes French journalist Jean Luc Chaumeil, an expert on the Templars, as asserting that Lefebvre resigned his membership in the Priory in 1981.
Dr. Kellner maintained, and rightly so, that Lefebvre’s supreme goal in establishing his Society was to: (a) intercept and pacify Catholics unhappy with Paul 6 and Vatican 2, (b) neutralize these Catholics and confuse them with a pretense of piety and pseudo Catholic teaching, (c) prevent the organization of the Remnant Church by “buying out” traditional chapels and offering greater organization, a seminary, a “united front,” “”credibility,” etc. In this, Lefebvre has succeeded thus far. Admittedly, the proofs we have offered of his Priory affiliation are circumstantial. But when it is once realized that both his ordaining and consecrating bishop was Lienart, who’s Masonic affiliation is well known in traditionalist circles; and when it is understood that Lienart also instructed Lefebvre in the seminary and was his ordaining bishop per his (Lefebvre’s) request, then the water becomes a bit muddier. The question of Lefebvre’s validity must be decided in the negative to safeguard the sacraments and protect the faithful. That he has filled his role as agent provocateur as suggested by the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, is obvious. If he yet remains an enigma, he is an enigma we must avoid, in order to safeguard the Sacraments and the faith that is in us.
It was Thomas Case who assayed the Traditionalist sects and found that several clergymen were markedly anti-Semitic, with definite neo-Nazi or British Israel leanings, (Fidelity Magazine, October 1992). He noted that militia groups flourish in the St. Mary’s, Kansas area, home to the SSPX, (this is reportedly known to the local sheriff there). Case flagged the Society’s Fr. Ramon Angles, “Bp.” Richard Williamson, and Fr. Gregory Post, providing specific documentation in each case. He also fingered British Israel promoter Dan Jones of Colorado and Jones’ longtime friend, “Bp.” Oliver Oravec, last known to be living somewhere in Czechoslovakia. Jones’ Sangre de Cristo Newsnotespublication unabashedly promoted the Aryan Nations position for years, alongside other articles written by prominent Traditional clergymen. The late Fr. Lawrence Brey, at one time, at least, also professed admiration for the 1930s radio-priest Fr. Coughlin in an article featured in The Remnant and has mixed with many anti-Semitic Traditionalists over the years.
Fr. George Musey of Texas also expressed neo-Nazi sentiments to several colleagues and followers during the course of his lifetime, a fact witnessed by this author. The openly anti-Semitic publication Veritas, now defunct, pumped out anti-Jewish sentiments for decades, although it also furnished the faithful with much good information on the teachings of the Church. If any doubt exists concerning Traditionalists’ anti-Semitic orientation, a quick survey of anti-Semitic literature for sale on various Traditionalist web sites should prove that what is said here is no exaggeration. And some identification of Traditionalists with anti-Semitism has been more public than others, i.e., that of Mel Gibson and his father.
It has been speculated that Hitler was linked to the Priory in some way, and may even have attempted to secede from it, thus bringing the wrath of Europe on his head. But if he attempted to secede, it was not owing to his moral sense, but rather to his burning desire to rule all and be subject to none. The upper echelon Nazis were immersed in the Grail legends and pre-Christian religious practices. (The “Search for the Holy Grail” is a veiled allegory imitative of the Gospel parables. It is used by the degrees of Masonry to symbolize the search for man who became God; i.e., the bloodline. This is the mirror reverse of God’s Son, who as God, assumed a human body.) In her book The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, Constance Cumbey relates that Hitler was influenced early in his school years by the abbot of a Benedictine monastery school he attended near his home.
The abbot “…was fascinated by the lore of the Albigensians or Cathars, who could probably be accurately classified as early New Agers, in that they believed man could gain the powers of a god.” It was here, Cumbey notes, that Hitler “…was initiated into the finer mysteries of the occult” (p. 100). Cumbey further instructs us, on page 102, as to the origin of the “Aryan” nations obsession with Hitler. She writes: “…one of the seven Atlantean races was that of the Aryans …the Aryans were the master race, or supermen of the Atlantean races.” This is, indeed, an interesting development, when we consider that Atlantis sank. And it is especially interesting when one considers the connection between modern Traditionalists and neo-Nazi groups.
As we have already learned, the Jewish settlement to which Mary Magdalene and Jesus “fled,” produced the Merovingian kings and the “bloodline” eventually. While the debate still rages on the internet regarding the Priory of Sion “hoax” and its supposed non-existence, this should surprise no one familiar with secret societies. After all, isn’t that the idea behind their clandestine operations? As one pro-Priory site explains well: “Essentially, the Priory of Sion is a coherent initiatory system, composed of interdependent symbols and allegories, which does not need to be “real” to be true.” Who would expect reality from a secret society?
Let the heathens rage, let them call themselves catacomb Catholics and continue to operate in the shadowland of non-belief. They are no threat to us and they will someday be held accountable by their Maker. “Nothing conquers except truth; the victory of truth is charity.” — St. Augustine. And as Louisa May Alcott said: “Let my name stand among those who are willing to bear ridicule and reproach for the truth’s sake, and so earn some right to rejoice when the victory is won.” The day of reckoning is not far off and the handwriting is on the wall for these people. We read from the Catholic Encyclopedia under Baltasar:
“Baltasar is the Greek and Latin name for Belshazzar, which is the Hebrew equivalent for Bel-sarra-usur, i.e., ‘May Bel protect the king.’ Bel was the chief and titular god of Babylon. In Daniel, v, Baltasar is described as the son of Nabuchodonosor (A. V., Nebuchadnezzar) and the last King of Babylon. It is there narrated how the town was invaded — by the Medes under Darius, as would seem from Daniel 5:18-19 — whilst the king was giving a sumptuous feast to his nobles. The king himself was slain. The narrator further informs us that the sacred vessels which Nabuchodonosor had carried with him from Jerusalem were defiled on that occasion. By order of king Baltasar they were used during the banquet, and his wives and concubines drank out of them. In the midst of the revelry a hand is seen writing on the wall the mysterious words Mane, Thecel, Phares (A. V., Mene, Tekel, Peres). The king’s counsellors and magicians are summoned to explain the writing, but they fail to do so. The Queen then enters the banquet hall and suggests that Daniel should be called for. Daniel reads and explains the words: the days of the kingdom had been numbered; the king had been weighed in the balance and had been found wanting; his kingdom would be given to the Medes and the Persians.” And so these pestiferous enemies will soon meet their end and their kings will soon perish, even though at present they try “the faith and patience of the saints.”