Please Join Us in the Tre Ore

Traditionally,  from Noon to 3 p.m., on Good Friday, Catholics have observed the Tre Ore, which consists in three hours of meditation on each of the seven words of Christ as He hung on the Cross. Each “word” is a source of contemplation, as the Scripture is read in which Jesus utters the phrase. Each meditation was generally followed by a sermon, hymns by the choir, intercessions and prayer. Booklets to observe this devotion are still available from p
re-1959 and one of them is offered here as a free download. (The actual devotions in this book begin on p. 45).

+Holy Thursday +

In presenting the pages of Mr. Javier Morell-Ibarra’s book as an introduction to the full read of his work, it was not my intention to create controversy or re-examine issues already settled, only to demonstrate that others have a full appreciation of what has happened to the Church and why we need to pray at home. However, several readers have already raised questions regarding the issues addressed by Mr. Morrell-Ibarra, some of which I answered in my last blog and others which have been discussed in the comments from readers. Additional comments received this past week will be addressed below.

Judging others

One reader has objected to Mr. Morell-Ibarra’s condemnation of those following the leaders of various Traditionalist and “independent“ sects as harsh, unCatholic and uncharitable, and this topic needs to be better understood. When I first created this website, I  was more inclined to condemn only the leaders of these sects as formal heretics, which they most certainly are, being public and notorious, not to mention acting fraudulently under Can. 104. I later began to include those among the laity who were (or should have been) better educated in the faith, based on the words of Henry Cardinal Manning below:

“Whensoever the light comes within the reach of our sight, or the voice within the reach of our ear, we are bound to follow it, to inquire and to learn… The Church of God… lays all men under responsibility; and woe to that man who says, ‘I will not read; I will not hear; I will not listen; I will not learn;’ and woe to those teachers who shall say, ‘Don’t listen, don’t read, don’t hear; and therefore, don’t learn.’” This rightly condemns both Traditionalist leaders and their followers, whenever they have access to the truth yet do not avail themselves of it. This amounts to the sin of resisting the known truth, which St. Thomas Aquinas treats below in his Summa Theologica.

“Augustine [Fulgentius] (De Fide ad Petrum iii) says that “those who despair of pardon for their sins, or who without merits presume on God’s mercy, sin against the Holy Ghost,” and (Enchiridion lxxxiii) that “he who dies in a state of obstinacy is guilty of the sin against the Holy Ghost,” and (De Verb. Dom., Serm. lxxi) that “impenitence is a sin against the Holy Ghost,” and (De Serm. Dom. in Monte xxii), that “to resist fraternal goodness with the brands of envy is to sin against the Holy Ghost.” And in his book De unico Baptismo (De Bap. contra Donat. vi, 35) he says that “a man who spurns the truth, is either envious of his brethren to whom the truth is revealed, or ungrateful to God, by Whose inspiration the Church is taught,” and therefore, seemingly, sins against the Holy Ghost….” He further comments:

I answer that: According to the various interpretations of the sin against the Holy Ghost, there are various ways in which it may be said that it cannot be forgiven. For if by the sin against the Holy Ghost we understand final impenitence, it is said to be unpardonable, since in no way is it pardoned: because the mortal sin wherein a man perseveres until death will not be forgiven in the life to come, since it was not remitted by repentance in this life… According to the other two interpretations, it is said to be unpardonable, not as though it is nowise forgiven, but because, considered in itself, it deserves not to be pardonedReply to Objection 1, Art. 3: We should despair of no man in this life, considering God’s omnipotence and mercy. But if we consider the circumstances of sin, some are called (Ephesians 2:2) “children of despair” [‘Filios diffidentiae,’ which the Douay version renders ‘children of unbelief.’”

Several times in the Apocalypse we are told that these children of whom St. Thomas speaks will not repent, despite many chastisements and punishments from God. Mr. Morell-Ibarra speaks of the Katejon, or operation of error, and in St. Paul’s 2 Thess. 2: 10-11 we read: “God will send them the operation of error to believe lying; That all may be judged who have not believed the truth but have consented to iniquity.” The Douay-Rheims commentary states: “God will suffer them to be deceived by lying wonders and false miracles in punishment of their not entertaining the love of truth.” This punishment is something that cannot be loosed except by prayer that God work a miracle of grace for these people, and this is totally up to God, not us. We can berate them all we like and beg them to “Come out of her my people,” but their exit is not dependent on us, but on God alone. In last week’s blog it was pointed out that the Church, under Can. 2200 holds these people accountable and considers them outside the Church (until they publicly retract their errors and devote three years to penitential works). And based on this canon and what has been said above, so must we also believe.

Mr. Morrell-Ibarra is correct in describing the condition of those who seem unable to break away from Traditionalism as existing in an obsessive/compulsive state, for it is a stubborn and perverse form of scrupulosity that enmeshes these people in Traditionalist errors, and even secular psychologists link scrupulosity to obsessive/compulsive disorders ( — this link is provided only for corroboration purposes; no endorsement is implied). It also can be linked to hypnotism, which is reinforced by the repetitive attendance at the “Latin mass” and the belief that Traditionalist “sacraments” convey “magical” graces. Of course the true Latin Mass and prayers of the Church could never be said to effect such things, but we are talking here of services provided by those who are NOT Catholics, far less priests or bishops, and whose performances constitute an horrific sacrilege before God.

What we believe that Mr. Morrell-Ibarra is trying to convey in his work is the horror of these sins and the immediate need to desist from them, based on the terrible price to be paid if one dies in impenitence. As Rev. Felix Sarda Salvany states, we can love our neighbor even when injuring him if we are defending the rights of God and His Church. No to do so is to embrace the liberal idea of charity. But flogging a dead horse is not productive, either. Many have criticized this author for the repeated harsh treatment of Traditionalists, but as time continues to run out for them, it is difficult not to become more vociferous in condemning their errors. At this point, however, prayer and sacrifice, which we also have repeatedly requested, is probably our best and only option.

A further note on hypnotism here is in order. In their book Snapping (1979), written on the methods used by cults to seduce the vulnerable, Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman explain that:

“The previously held notion that an individual must be put to sleep in order to be hypnotized has been categorically disproved… Practitioners of hypnosis… admit that through lies and carefully contrived suggestions a hypnotist could prompt his subject to commit any action, even a crime, in the firm belief that he was performing the act to accomplish some greater good. In these latest findings about hypnosis and the power of suggestion there are important clues through the destructive effects of many cult and group techniques but — like brainwashing, ego destruction and coercive persuasion — the term hypnosis tells nothing about the dramatic alterations of awareness and personality and the lasting disruptions of thought and feeling we learn about from participants in cults and mass therapies. The techniques employed by cult and group leaders bear no resemblance to the classical induction of hypnosis, nor are the effects confined to simple trance states or feats of memory and imagination. Their attack is comprehensive and profound, not simply altering belief and behavior as in brainwashing but producing lasting changes in the fundamental workings of the mind. And their tools are those of everyday communication, ordinary skills and natural abilities that have been honed to the sharpness of precision instruments” (p. 103).

“By far the most widespread and frightening threat to personality posed by America’s cults and mass therapies is the impairment of an individual’s most fundamental capacity of mind: quite simply his ability to think, not just to think for himself, but to think at all — to make sense out of the information he receives from experience and to use that information in a way that will best serve his survival and personal growth. Almost every major cult and group teaches some form of not thinking; mind control, or as it is often called self-hypnosis as part of its regular program of activity. This process may take the form of prayer, chanting, speaking in tongues or simple meditation. Initially this quiescent state may provide physical and emotional benefits, feelings of inner peace and relaxation, or a calming of nervous tension. After a while, continued practice of the technique may even bring on various forms of euphoria and emotional high, a feeling of bliss or lightness of mind or body.

“In this state an individual may have sensations of being in intangible realms or alternate realities. He may see divine visions receive spiritual communications, or experience breakthrough moments of revelation or enlightenment with the extended cessation of thought. However the cumulative effects of inactivity may wear upon the brain until the point is reached when it readjusts itself to its new condition, suddenly and sharply. When that happens, as we have discovered, its information processing capacities may enter a state of disruption or complete suspensionproducing individual states of mind that incorporate all the other forms of information disease: disorientation, detachment, withdrawal delusion and the trancelike, altered state visible in the cults” (p. 172).

Sadly, the rituals used by these Traditionalist pseudo-clergy to simulate Holy Mass and the Sacraments is what often serves as the means of this hypnosis. Some are so obsessed with these sacrilegious acts that they would be unable to function without them, literally, believing they would lose their souls. These are the “lies and carefully contrived suggestions… to commit any action, even a crime, in the firm belief that [one] was performing the act to accomplish some greater good” mentioned in the quotes above.

As the authors explain, hypnosis is fused with many other techniques, resulting in a profoundly complicated process that only highly trained professionals could hope to reverse. We are not those professionals, which is why we must resort to prayer for these poor tormented souls, especially praying the exorcism prayers for them. Having warned them twice, once privately ourselves and then with one or two others, as Our Lord teaches, we are no longer required by the Church to reproach them, but only to pray for them. We are, however, when the need arises, required to warn others to avoid them.

Inspirations of the Holy Ghost

As Catholics, we must always follow what we believe to be inspirations of the Holy Ghost; not to do so, especially living in this age of perfidious error, is sinful. However, those of us who try to present what the Church teaches to others must be especially careful not to refer to such inspirations as a sort of motive of our own credibility, for while we may be certain we are meant to drive home some necessary point or truth and exert ourselves to a great degree to do so, we are always liable to error and are only as good as the authenticity of the sources we quote and our level of understanding regarding these sources. Only the Supreme Pontiffs have been granted an infallible charism by the Holy Ghost to perceive and present these truths free of error, and our inspirations cannot possibly compare in any way to this unique grant by Christ.

Henry Cardinal Manning describes this grant as “…a charisma of indefectible faith and truth…. a gratia gratis data, or a grace, the benefit of which is for others.” It is a gift strictly attached to the papal office, and it is not one that is of inspiration, but one where “Peter’s faith was kept from failing, either in the act of believing or in the object of his belief… not the discovery of new truths, but the guardianship of old.” (The True Story of the Vatican Council). It is an unfailing assistance, and this we could never pretend to possess. So we must be careful lest we appear to be ascribing to ourselves those gifts which only the popes can possess. We can quote them and insist that others are bound to obey what they say, but it is by their power, and never any merit or inspiration of our own, that we do so.

Till the consummation of the age

As readers have noted, the consummation of the world/age in Matt. 28:20 has become a controversial issue. While all the older Douay-Rheims Bible versions do state “consummation of the world,” the Latin Vulgate (edited under the auspices of the Pontifical University Salmanticenses, 1959) actually states: “usque ad consummatio saeculi,” translated as “consummation of the age.” An Internet article by one B.S. Strauss, identifying as a Catholic layman, observes that “…The Vatican Council solemnly teaches that the Lord promised shepherds and teachers until the consummation of the age – usque ad consummatio saeculi — which, according to Catholic commentary, begins with the revelation of Antichrist, who is announced to reign before the return of the Lord. Hence, apostolic succession seems to have come to an end already, and we deal with shepherds of vengeance.”

This he then proceeds to prove by numerous quotes from Scripture, the Fathers and the Vatican Council. He notes that while the Vatican Council does not define the consummation of the age, neither does it state that there will be teachers and pastors until that time. In fact, he notes well, false prophets, false christs and hirelings, not to mention antichrists and Antichrist proper, are all that is predicted for this time.  Those wishing to read his entire work can request it by emailing

HOW Christ will remain always with His Mystical Body unto the consummation and how the truth will be taught to the very end has been explained here and here. It will not be preached to the faithful by these pseudo-bishops and pretend priests, or a canonically elected pope, who has not reigned since the death of Pope Pius XII and is now incapable of being elected. Rather it will be spread by those drug from the byways and ditches to attend the marriage feast. They happen to be us, who have, by the grace of God, recognized the truth and refused to follow these false christs (false popes) and their attendant false shepherds, or Traditionalist hirelings.

Mr. Morell-Ibarra comments on the above as follows:

“I have seen that one of your readers wonders why the Catholic Bible I am using translates the term “consummationem saeculi” as “…even to the consummation of the centuries.” She objects that in the Douay-Rheims Bible, it reads, “…even to the consummation of the world.” Well, let us shed some light on the translation of this verse, which undeniably proves it is the most common interpretation of this biblical passage. The thing is all the books we have in our possession from the 18th and 19th centuries, and we have quite a few of them,all of them translate it as the consummation of the century/centuries in all the kingdoms of Spain.” (He here includes as proofs images showing translations of the verse in question dating from 1671, and others dating from 1793, 1798 and 1786. There are even translations dating from 1611, 1592 (!) and 1589 !!).

“As it can be seen, all of them state very clearly “hasta la consumación del siglo“, that is, “until the end of the century”, NOT “until the end of the world”, which was a much later translation. In addition to that… the Vulgate Bible of Scio (19th century) is clearly translated as “until the consummation of the centuries/century.” Now, you will have to agree with me that this translation of the term “consummationem saeculi” is much more common, because it has been translated like this since the 16th century, as Cefas and I have had the chance to check, which makes this translation more trustworthy. That is a fact that admits no objection.

“Furthermore, there is also this comment which could be helpful: “The “consummation of the world” (ovvreleía toú aióvos) has a more decisive force to signify the end of the world than the term “parousia”. However, the word “aiww” means not the physical world or the universe, but “era”, “epoch” of human history, for the use St. Paul makes of it, (cf. ALLO, Vivre et Penser, Series 1.*, 1941, 179.) Therefore, the “era” here may be that of the old economy. In Matt. 28: 20, where the perspective changes, it is the new messianic era.”  (B. ORCHARD, E. F. SUTCLIFFE, R. C. FULLER Y R. RUSSELL, VERBUM DEI. COMENTARIO A LA SAGRADA ESCRlTURA Verbum Dei. Comentario a la Sagrada Escritura. B. ORCHARD, E. F. SUTCLIFFE, C. FULLER Y R. RUSSELL. Editorial HERDER,1957; Imprimatur de 1956, Momor Evangelios). Finally, the Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus from the Vatican Council in 1870 also translates it as “hasta la consumación de los siglos“, or “until the end of the centuries.” (End of Mr. Morell-Ibarra’s comments)

So it appears that this later translation “consummation of the world” must be discarded for the interpretation “consummation of the age(s) or century” with one caution: it cannot, as some have attempted to do, be used to indicate that another age will then commence — that of a certain period of peace for a restored Church on earth, headquartered in Jerusalem, following the conversion of the Jews. This notion was condemned by the Holy Office in 1944: “In recent times, on several occasions, the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office has been asked what must be thought of the system of mitigated Millenarianism which teaches, for example, that Christ the Lord, before the Final Judgment, whether or not preceded by the resurrection of the many just, will come visibly to rule over this world. The answer is: The system of mitigated Millenarianism cannot be taught safely” (DZ 2296).

As we have explained in recent articles, some have hinted at a possible “papal restoration” facilitated by a “Great Monarch” will be inaugurated in Jerusalem prior to the Second Coming, to last for an unspecified amount of time. Versions of this were suggested by Yves Dupont, Holzhauser and in several private prophecies. But the New Jerusalem will be brought down to a renewed earth only from Heaven, following the Final Judgment; and that is what they confuse this with. Then and only then will there finally be peace on earth.

Mr. Morrell-Ibarra continues his work below, covering some of the topics we have just addressed. Please note that we offered proofs in our last blog that the date he sets for the Great Apostasy cannot apply to Catholic clergy ordained and consecrated prior to 1965, owing to their obligation to know the law, especially invalidating laws such as Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis. Canon 2200 PRESUMES even material heretics are outside the Church until proven innocent. And only a future canonically elected pope could determine such innocence.

Mr. Morrell-Ibarra’s Catholic Survival Guide, Pt. 4

  1. Fable of the Episcopalian heretic Berkeley and his fallacy that “esse est percipi”, that is, “to be is to be perceived”, or the absolute empiricism/idealistic empiricism/subjective idealism trap, into which ALL THE FALSE PASTORS AND FALSE CHRISTS OF THE TRADITIONAL PSEUDO CLERGY fall, misapplying the common error only when they have realized the deception, and decreeing that the Great Apostasy begins only when it suits them.

The development of this highly widespread, warped fable goes as follows: Some fake “traditionalist” clergy and their misled followers say that on December 8, 1965, the Great Apostasy did not take place and the Catholic world did not apostatize by accepting the new false religion that synthesized its teaching at the end of the Vatican 2 bogus council and was accepted by the formerly Catholic hierarchy. Instead, they say, it took shape when some were able to perceive it at the end of the 1970s, beginning of the 1980s; others say that this happened with the imposition of the Novus Ordo Missae by Montini-Paul 6; others claim that it occurred in the mid 80s with the Assisi pandemonium organized by Wojtyla-JP2; others hold that it was accomplished when Ratzinger-Benedict16 stepped down as top usurper; others say that the Apostasy was effected with Bergoglio and his pandering to Pachamama, and so on.

Thus there existed some sort of limbo where heresy and apostasy would not exist, simply because they are not perceived by many (!?), so common error would keep them in a virtual state of “non-existence”, where the Code of Canon Law and the Magisterium would remain “stranded”, and it is only when they are perceived that the apostasy would “magically” appear out of the blue. So those who perceive it are capable of choosing the moment that interests them to save their so-called power of order and jurisdiction, for instance, or their membership in the Holy Apostolic and Roman Catholic Church. And from hence the common error is cleared and all those who are not in the same position, once this starting line has been drawn, are automatically defined as being in apostasy, heresy and schism, a line that can be moved by sympathy or some other vested interest.

Therefore, the apostasy would not exist until it becomes evident and is perceived by X actors, who would then confirm the end of common error from the moment the apostasy becomes a reality for them and starts to be, which is obviously ridiculous.

This is nothing more than a bunch of chimerical ideas intended to save the members of the particular sects, since they are the ones who arbitrarily determine when the operation of error should begin, which is precisely when, by some remote grace, they discover the deception. But led by their intolerable moral arrogance, they decide instead that it began when it suits them, because if they had the courage to admit that the apostasy began formally and publicly on December 8, 1965, and that there has been no Pope since October 9, 1958, then they would be forced to accept the cold, hard truth, which is they are not what they say they are, that is, Catholic clerics, but they are all in a state of infamy of law for heresy, schism and apostasy and are not willing to accept that they fell into the Operation of error, as the entire Catholic world did, accepting a false religion and adhering to their ranks, consciously or unconsciously.

  1. Fable of “SALUS POPULI SUPREMA LEX ESTO”, that is, “let the salvation of souls be the supreme law”, or “necessity knows no law”, which is the battle cry of all schismatics to try and implement their schisms, even if it means disobeying the Papacy and its Infallible Magisterium, which together with the 1917 Code of Canon Law (CIC) completely incapacitate and invalidate these dangerous charlatans, depriving them of any desire to usurp the jurisdiction that only the Pope possesses fully and universally, but whom those prideful individuals are hell-bent on ignoring and belittling over and over again.
  2. Model fable of “OCD traditionalism” (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

The “Traditionalist” fake clergy and sects truthfully say: Vatican 2 was a bogus council! The Novus Ordo Missae is a false rite! More than a billion people are deceived! More than four hundred thousand clerics belonging to the conciliar sect are invalid! Bergoglio is not the Pope!

The fake clergy of the conciliar sect reply to them: You, prophets of misfortunes and calamities! Servants of Satan! You lead us to despair and distress! What happened to the promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ? You say the gates of hell have prevailed! You say that Jesus lied! Anathema! We also tell them (to the “Traditionalist” fake clergy and sects): Your private chapel or sect is invalid and illicit, gravely sinful and sacrilegious, unlawfully established against Pope Pius XII’s infallible Magisterium and the 1917 CIC.

The “Traditionalist” fake clergy and sects reply to us: You, prophets of misfortunes and calamities! Servants of Satan! You lead us to despair and distress! What happened to the promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ? You say the gates of hell have prevailed! You say that Jesus lied! Anathema! Thus, our readers will be able to verify the blindness and hypocrisy with which these dangerous delinquents who violate the Magisterium and the CIC reason and act.

  1. Recurring fable of the promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 20.

The “Traditionalist” intruders and imposters clamor wherever they go:

“We know from Matthew 28:20 that there will be Bishops until the end of the world!”

“We know from Matthew 28:20 that there will always be a Holy Catholic Sacrifice!”

“Therefore, our “chapels” (sects, garages, cellars, etc.) are valid and lawful!”

We answer them:

And what do we do with Saint Peter then?… Wasn’t Saint Peter included in the promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ?… And the prophet Daniel, what did he say about the cessation of the Holy Sacrifice?… “And he shall confirm the covenant with many, in one week: and in the half of the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end” (Dan. 9:27).

And what does the Magisterium say about your schismatic “chapels”?…

Deep down, all those modern pharisees reason like those who were scandalized by Our Lord Jesus Christ when He announced to them the kind of death with which He should die, as we read in John 12: 32-34: “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself. (Now this he said, signifying what death he should die.) The multitude answered him: We have heard out of the law, that Christ abideth for ever; and how sayest thou: The Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of man?” “et ego si exaltatus fuero a terra omnia traham ad me ipsum hoc autem dicebat significans qua morte esset moriturus respondit ei turba nos audivimus ex lege quia Christus manet in æternum et quomodo tu dicis oportet exaltari Filium hominis quis est iste Filius hominis”.

With the obstinacy those blind individuals exhibit, they are clearly showing us that they do not believe that Saint Peter and his Successors have been placed by Our Lord as the foundation and cornerstone of the mystical edifice of the Church, since they blasphemously imagine that the Church can continue to expand without the fidelity and obedience due to the Rock of the Papacy and its Magisterium. This proves their null catholicity, since whoever denies the dogma of papal infallibility is NOT Catholic, but schismatic and heretical. Furthermore, in their supine ignorance, they refuse to accept that the Holy Sacrifice of the altar must cease at the time of the Antichrist, also called the time of Satan unchained, thus contradicting the divinely inspired Holy Scripture, which constitutes a sin against the Holy Ghost.

Finally, they dig their own grave by ignoring the discipline imposed by Pope Pius XII’s Magisterium and the Code of Canon Law when they dared to seek the Holy Episcopal Orders at a time when it was strictly prohibited to do so, belittling and ignoring the serious warnings of the legitimate Successor of Saint Peter, Pope Pius XII, who made it very clear in his Apostolic Constitution Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis that during the vacancy of the Holy See NOBODY can usurp the Jurisdiction and prerogatives that only the Pope possesses by divine right; therefore NO ONE can move or confer any Orders until a new Pontiff has been legitimately chosen and confirmed by the Holy Ghost. It will now be understood by all the enormous sin against the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity these arrogant sophists commit every time they dare to question and disobey the Vicar of Christ and his infallible Magisterium.

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