+St. Justin, Martyr+
As seen in our last blog, Manuel Lacunza y Diaz , S.J. was the individual specifically mentioned in the condemnation issued by the Holy Office in 1944 against Millenarianism and entered itno the Acta Apostolica Sedis. It is important to completely understand the implications of this renewed condemnation from the Holy Office, the original being issued in 1824, because it has not been generally discussed nor explained. From what we can learn about Lacunza without access to a Catholic interpretation of his work, he falsely taught that:
–The Apocalypse should be interpreted literally, not mystically or spiritually.
– Antichrist will be more akin to a moral system, not just an individual man.
– During the worst of Antichrist’s persecution, Christ will gather the elect up into the clouds to escape – the basis for the Protestant rapture theory.
– Christ will come to destroy Antichrist and his system, ending that age.
– The “end of the age” and “end of the world” refer to two different times.
– One age will end and a new age of peace lasting 1,000 years or more will begin, with Christ visibly reigning on earth with His resurrected saints.
– The hierarchy (at least the bishops) and some faithful Catholics will reign with Christ.
– Following the 1,000 plus years of peace, “the dragon will once again be loosed… to deceive the whole world,” THENthe world will end.
– But the world will not be destroyed by fire, even after the “reign of peace.”
Defining Millenarianism
The 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia tells us: “Millenarianism, as understood by Christian writers, may be set forth as follows: At the end of time Christ will return in all His splendour to gather together the just, to annihilate hostile powers, and to found a glorious kingdom on earth for the enjoyment of the highest spiritual and material blessings… The duration of this glorious reign of Christ and His saints on earth, is frequently given as one thousand years. Hence it is commonly known as the “millennium”, while the belief in the future realization of the kingdom is called “millenarianism” (or “chiliasm”, from the Greek chilia, scil. ete)… The roots of the belief in a glorious kingdom, partly natural, partly supernatural, are found in the hopes of the Jews for a temporal Messiah and in the Jewish apocalyptic.”
Leo J. Trese in The Faith Explained, (Fides Publishers, 1959), speaking of those who take Apoc. 20:6 literally, writes: “St. John, describing a prophetic vision (Apoc. 20:1-6), says that the devil will be bound and imprisoned for a thousand years, during which the dead will come to life and reign with Christ; at the end of the thousand years the devil will be released and finally vanquished forever, and then will come the second resurrection… Those who do take this passage literally and believe that Jesus will come to reign upon earth for a thousand years before the end of the world are called millenarists… This view, however, does not agree with Christ’s own prophecies and millenarianism is rejected by the Catholic Church as a heresy” (p. 182). Compare the above definitions to Lacunza’s idea of the 1,000 years and the conversion of the Jews during that time: “If the 20th chapter of the Apocalypse is to be literally understood, Jesus Christ himself with all his saints now risen, ought actually to reign in Jerusalem over the whole orb of the earth, and that for a thousand years…”
No spiritual period of peace
Given these definitions of Millenarianism, it is difficult to see how Lacunza’s teaching is “moderated” in any way. For the Holy Office decision begins by describing Lacunza’s system as already moderated or mitigated, then states that “It is not possible to teach systematic Millenarianism, even if moderated…” So how was it moderated given the Catholic Encyclopedia definition, written three decades earlier? St. Augustine of Hippo answers this difficulty in his The City of God, where he describes the beliefs of the early (Jewish-influenced) Chiliasts:
“Those who then rise again shall enjoy the leisure of immoderate carnal banquets, furnished with an amount of meat and drink such as not only to shock the feeling of the temperate, but even to surpass the measure of credulity…. They who believe them are called by the spiritual Chiliasts, which we may reproduce by the name of Millenarians…” Yet St. Augustine also noted that a period of peace or “sabbath rest” is indeed a valid interpretation of Apocalypse, Ch. 20 as long as the Millenarinist interpretation is not intended.” He explains:
“…As if it were a fitting thing that the saints should thus enjoy a kind of Sabbath-rest during that period [of a “thousand years”], a holy leisure after the labors of six thousand years since man was created… [and] there should follow on the completion of six thousand years, as of six days, a kind of seventh-day Sabbath in the succeeding thousand years… And this opinion would not be objectionable, if it were believed that the joys of the saints, in that Sabbath, shall be spiritual, and consequent on the presence of God… (Bk.10, Ch. 7, The City of God).
After explaining that many Catholics anticipate a triumph of Christ’s Church on earth prior to the Second Coming, a “happy era of human sanctity” where Christ the King would predominate spiritually, not physically, Rev. Anscar Vonier, O.S.B. comments: “Such an occurrence is not excluded, is not impossible, it is not at all certain that there will not be a prolonged period of triumphant Christianity before the end… If before that final end there is to be a period, more or less prolonged, of triumphant sanctity, such a result will be brought about not by the apparition of the person of Christ in Majesty but by the operation of those powers of sanctification which are now at work, the Holy Ghost and the Sacraments of the Church” (The Teaching of the Catholic Church: A Summary of Catholic Doctrine, MacMillan Co., 1959, p. 1140, from the Theological Commission of 1952, which is a Magisterial document).
All this would be just fine if all these powers of sanctification remained in place as they were instituted by Christ, with a pope and hierarchy to oversee them. But how is any of this supposed to come about if the structure of the Church no longer exists, and only a scant few Catholics remain faithful to Her teachings? If we believe this is possible it seems that we fall into another error condemned by the Church, also described in the Catholic Encyclopedia under Millenarianism:
“The fantastic views of the apocalyptic writers (Joachim of Floris, the Franciscan-Spirituals, the Apostolici), referred only to a particular form of spiritual renovation of the Church, but did not include a second advent of Christ. The “emperor myths,” which prophesied the establishment of a happy, universal kingdom by the great emperor of the future, contain indeed descriptions that remind one of the ancient Sybilline and millenarian writings…” According to Joachim of Fiore, an age of the Holy Ghost would succeed the Old Testament age of the Father and the New Testament age of the Son, another reference to the different “ages.” Instead of the Second Coming, Joachim taught that a new age of peace and brotherhood would begin, and a newly spiritualized version of man would emerge. In his writings, this “age of the laity,” so to speak, would make the hierarchy almost unnecessary. He also taught that Babylon in Apocalypse meant Rome and a pope would become the Antichrist. Rome condemned his writings (DZ 431-433), but not him by name.
Here we even see a pagan version of the Great Monarch, which shows the true origin of this fable. And since Joachim of Fiore’s idea of a lay spiritual revival is also condemned, there can be scarcely any hope of even a brief period of a peace following the death of Antichrist, as mentioned in Part 1, since we have no pope and no hierarchy, nor any means to re-establish the papacy. Those expecting such a peace point to Fatima of course, but as stated earlier, that peace was NOT unconditional, as Fatima promoters claim. It was entirely dependent on the consecration of Russia (IF this was indeed what Our Lady requested) prior to World War II by Pope Pius XI, and a sufficient number of Catholics praying the Rosary and performing works of penance.
This obviously did not happen, and the third secret, which was never officially revealed to us, came to pass: the destruction of the Church. Mary’s Immaculate Heart will triumph at the end of the world at the death of Antichrist, when all heresies are destroyed. It is beyond me how anyone could think that after the earth has been soiled by so many sacrileges and blasphemies, horrid, heart-rending crimes against children, Satan worship, all manner of impurity, the blood of countless martyrs and so many other evils, anyone would want to remain here to enjoy some kind of “peace.” Please count me out. I want only to be taken away to Heaven — please God may it be possible — with Our Lord and His Blessed Mother, to enjoy that “peace of God… which surpasseth all understanding” (Phil. 4:4).That is the peace we should all be longing for and praying for.
Antichrist will be a specific individual
Had the Jesuits Ribera, St. Robert Bellarmine and other commentators been less focused on defending the papacy against the attacks of the Protestants ad infinitum, and more intent on presenting a clearer picture of what could realistically be expected in the end times based on the teachings of Pope Paul IV and Holy Scripture, we might have been better able to sort out what to expect today. But obviously God wished to keep it hidden until the very end. And the Jesuits had their mission directly from the popes, so could never have deviated from it. They could not have afforded to use Pope Paul IV’s teaching in Cum ex Apostolatus Officio to defend the papal Antichrist theory for this would only have confirmed the possibility of identifying the papacy with Antichrist, and this would have placed the Reformers’ focus on every papal election, looking for the appearance of the Beast. This is probably why the bull was downplayed and deep-sixed so to speak, until our own times. It is humbling to think it may have been written specifically for us, to help identify the true Antichrist when he arrived.
And that Antichrist proper would be a certain, identifiable individual, as Pope Paul IV indicated, and not just a system, as Lacunza falsely taught, cannot be dismissed as a matter of speculation, or an uncertainty. This is brought out by Michael Gruenthaner, S. J., in a 1942 article for the Homiletic and Pastoral Review. He writes:
“Modern theologians base their definition of Antichrist on the passages of St. John’s epistles and all the words of St. Paul in 2 Thess. 2: 1-12. On the authority of these texts they regard it as certain that Antichrist will be an individual human being endowed with the qualities outlined in these texts who will appear at the end of time and will be destroyed by Christ at his second coming. It is apparent that this explanation of the texts in question does not belong to the deposit of faith and is not necessarily connected with this deposit, for the theologians do not declare that it must be accepted as such; they merely pronounce it as certain… In view, however, of the unanimous consent of the fathers and the theologians it would be imprudent to deny that the doctrine of an individual Antichrist is contained either explicitly or implicitly in the Scriptures unless we have cogent arguments to the contrary.”
While Gruenthaner may believe that to deny this teaching is only “imprudent,” the Vatican Council teaches it is more than that. In DZ 1788 we read: “In order to restrain impetuous minds… We, renewing the decree [of the Council of Trent], declare that in matters of faith and morals pertaining to the instruction of Christian doctrine, that must be considered as the true sense of Sacred Scripture which Holy Mother Church has held and holds, whose office is to judge concerning the true understanding and interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures. And for that reason, no one is permitted to interpret Sacred Scripture itself contrary to this sense or even contrary to the unanimous agreement of the Fathers.”
This is an order to hold the teaching of the Fathers and theologians both as the TRUE sense of Sacred Scripture, and if someone were to claim that it was permitted to do otherwise they would be denying the authority of the Vatican Council. Therefore we must believe that Antichrist IS an individual man. And at least one theologian, Rev. Jean Allo, a well-respected French scripture scholar, has opined that Antichrist is also a “collective personality, the entire series of those working in behalf of Satan to the end of time” as Gruenthaner notes; “a malevolent power” exercised by a series of antichrists “culminating in” (or emanating from) a particular man. This avoids Lacunza’s error and defines our own situation.
St. Bernard and Pope Paul IV define Antichrist
To be clear, this system of Antichrist both culminates in Paul 6 and emanates from him. The Church has repeatedly referred to antipopes throughout Her history as antichrists. St. Bernard of Clairvaux openly called the antipope Anacletus II Antichrist. Championing Pope Innocent II, St. Bernard wrote: “Behold Innocent the Christ, the anointed of the Lord… They that are of God willingly adhere to him whilst opposed to him stand Antichrist and his followers. We have seen the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place to attain which the antipope burned with fire the sanctuary of God. He persecutes Innocent and with him all innocence… [He is] that beast of the Apocalypse, to whom has been given a mouth speaking blasphemy and power to wage war against the saints (Apoc. 13:5-7) …He has seated himself in the Chair of Peter. The holy place he covets, not for its holiness, but for its height. He has, I say, got possession of the holy place [but] not through the merit of his life. The election whereof he boasts is but a cloak for his malice. To call it an election at all is an impudent lie.”
Is not this the absolute confirmation of what Pope Paul IV would teach 400 years later? Who is this antipope but the ‘Son of Perdition (2 Thess. 2:3), who has tried to seduce the Church throughout the ages? How can it NOT fit Angelo Roncalli and Giovanni Baptiste Montini? Include Pope Paul IV’s definition of the abomination of desolation as a heretic, apsotate or schismatic, invalidly elected, followed by a series of successors including the Man of Sin, and we have the complete picture. And it is in perfect agreement with what is described in the Book of Daniel and in the Apocalypse. Roncalli and Montini were collaborators, even before their “elections.” They had worked out the details of their system over an extended period of time in the star chambers of the Illuminati. As Pope Pius XII’s pro-secretary of state, Montini had established a worldwide network of clerical spies during World War II to keep a close eye on world events and bring about both the success of his father’s Christian Democrat party and his own election.
The three years-and-a-half came and went
The three years and a half (1,260 days) all assume to be the brief duration of Antichrist’s reign is described by many commentators as only the heighth or pinnacle of his reign of terror. This might be counted from Paul 6’s address to the United Nations Oct. 4, 1965 to the official promulgation of the Novus Ordo on April 3, 1969 — exactly three years and a half. He appeared at the United Nations only two weeks after the passage of the schema on religious liberty by the council fathers –1,997 to 224 — the schema endorsing the teachings of John Courtney Murray S.J., so fiercely opposed by Msgr. Joseph C. Fenton. His address to the UN was a victory speech, a celebration of the destruction of the Church initially set in motion by the U.S. government itself as declassified CIA documents prove. There he proclaimed: “Behold the day we have awaited for centuries.” He thereby surrendered the Church’s supremacy in teaching and belief before the world and Her undeniable requirement for membership in Her ranks in order to secure eternal salvation.
And then of course there was the horrendous revision of all the sacramental rites in 1968, a year many have pointed to as a chaotic watershed year for both the nation and the anti-Church. The Sacraments instituted by Christ, which Pope St. Pius X and Pope Pius XII taught could never be touched in their essentials, were reduced to the mere symbols prescribed by the Modernists. And this necessarily coincided with the liturgical changes, already in full swing, since the heighth of Antichrist’s reign could not have been complete without the abolition of the Continual Sacrifice.
Cessation of the Continual Sacrifice
Of course the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Missae was only the abrogation of what the public believed to be the true “Latin” Mass but was really the corrupted John 23 missal. The true abrogation of the Mass of Pope St. Pius V occurred with the promulgation of John 23rd’s missal. But the corruption of the Consecration of the Wine (translating “for many” from the Latin into English as “for all men”) appeared with the issuance of dialogue Mass booklets for the laity in January 1959. Here we see gradualism at its finest, a gradualism Xavier Rynne, in his Vatican Council IIascribes to Montini as follows: “Pope Paul was firmly committed to gradualism as a policy of action and to middle-of-the road solutions as a goal” (p. 447). And gradualism has long been a Communist tool, but then Saul Alinksy and Montini were great friends, so…
This cessation of the Continual Sacrifice is yet another biblical prophecy that is confirmed by the unanimous opinion of the Fathers. Henry Edward Cardinal Manning tells us, in his The Present Crisis of the Holy See Tested by Prophecy:“The Holy Fathers who have written upon the subject of Antichrist and the prophecies of Daniel — all of them unanimously — say that in the latter end of the world, during the reign of Antichrist, the Holy Sacrifice of the altar will cease.” And yet so very few among the commentators note this necessary identifying mark of the Sea Beast, the Man of Sin, even though it was the completion of the Great Revolt. All know and readily admit it was the final straw following the false Vatican 2 council that led to nearly half of all those then identifying as Catholic to leave the anti-Church. By departing, they fulfilled Christ’s prophecy in Matt. 26:31: that the sheep would scatter once God Himself struck the shepherd, implicitly acknowledging the fact that the Man of Sin was then reigning.
So there are three truths which we cannot doubt: the two which rest on the unanimous opinion of the Fathers regarding the Man of Sin and the Continual Sacrifice; and the third being the definition of the abomination of desolation by first St. Bernard and then finally and infallibly, Pope Paul IV in Cum ex Apostolatus Officio. For Paul IV explained the mystery of 2 Thess. 2 regarding “he who withholdeth” as the papacy and the Church, and how they could be taken out of the way, something Henry Cardinal Manning explains in his work, The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Christ. Although Manning does not refer to Paul IV’s Bull, because even then he could not do so without raising Protestant speculation, it is clear that he believed Antichrist could reign only in the absence of a canonically elected Roman Pontiff and the Apostolic College. And so he did.
Could the three and a half years also apply to the time Satan is loosed, when the papacy is renounced and Satan himself unleashed as the world’s religious leader proceeds to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple? Some commentators believe there will be two three and a half year periods, but they are very few. The mention of this in Chapter 20 of Apocalypse indicates Satan himself will descend on the “camp of the saints” and inspire what Rev. Haydock describes as “the last persecution of Antichrist” by Gog and Magog, which some believe is Russia and its leader in league with China and other nations. If we live in the time after antichrist described by St. Thomas Aquinas, which I believe that we do, the three and a half years are past. Satan and his hordes will come quickly and the battle of Armageddon will be waged as described in Chap. 16 of Apocalypse. This I have detailed at some length here and here.
The Church has never endorsed the literal interpretation of Apocalypse. And yet all the horrors of Antichrist perpetrated on the faithful are presented as physical events, not spiritual ones. Christ warned us: “And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matt. 10: 28). The intellect is the seat of the soul, as St. Thomas Aquinas teaches: “The intellectual soul is sometimes called intellect, as from its chief power; and thus we read (De Anima i, 4), that the “intellect is a substance.” And in this sense also Augustine says that the mind is spirit and essence (De Trin. ix, 2; xiv, 16)… Wherefore it follows not that the intellect is the substance of the soul, but that it is its virtue and power.”
Antichrist has conducted a relentless war of fraud and deceit, lying illusions, and false miracles on the intellect that has robbed nearly all who were once Catholic of their faith. His war is not primarily a physical one, although certainly it has had its physical aspects. And certainly Satan’s onslaught as the last antichrist may end in unimaginable carnage. These are things we cannot know; everything written here and all that was written by the commentators is speculation. While it may be much easier to see into the future as we witness prophecy being fulfilled, only the event itself will reveal the truth.
“Therefore fear them not. For nothing is covered that shall not be revealed: nor hid, that shall not be known. That which I tell you in the dark, speak ye in the light: and that which you hear in the ear, preach ye upon the housetops” (Matt. 10: 26-27). We hear you, dear Lord.
Mr. Javier Morell-Ibarra’s Catholic Survival Guide, Pt. 6
(Sorry for misspelling your name in past blogs!)
- Fable that the Magisterium should not be interpreted literally.
The false prophets accuse those who rely on the Magisterium of being rigorous zealots for wanting to expose them, since they allege that it is barbaric and unfair to want to interpret everything to the letter, but that is a blatant lie, as well as blasphemy. Because belief and adherence to the Magisterium is a matter of Catholic faith, which tells us that “the See of Peter always remains free from all error.” Basically, the great problem of these sophists who are expert in misrepresenting everything is they have convinced themselves that the infallible Magisterium of the Vicars of Christ was a matter of purely human faith, like private revelations, when in reality it is a question of Catholic faith. Therefore, whoever does not respectfully believe and yield obedience to the Magisterium divinely inspired by the Holy Ghost for the edification and government of the souls that make up the Mystical Body, whoever does not believe this, commits a sin against the Holy Ghost, make no mistake about it. There is no excuse whatsoever for those professional charlatans posing as Catholic clergy.
- Fable that we ought to recognize antipope Bergoglio, alias “Francis”, along with the other usurpers of the Papacy starting from masonic agent Angelo Roncalli, since the laity would have no authority to determine whether or not they are heretics, so we would be somehow forced to submit to these enemies of God, resisting them when they make mistakes, because absolute obedience is not due to the “popes” (?), alleging sophistically that “we must obey God before men.” [Acts 5, 29]
The answer to this absurd fallacy is very simple, since it is not we, simple laymen, who determine that the See is Vacant, but it is heresy itself that determines it, since a public and notorious heretic [from Roncalli to Bergoglio] cannot be Pope, since the Magisterium of the Catholic Church establishes very clearly that a person who departs from the Catholic Faith and commits heresy cannot be Pope, without the need for a subsequent express declaration to that effect, as decreed by Pope Paul IV in his Bull Cum ex apostolatus officio promulgated in perpetuity. This admonition of the first Vicar of Christ and the rest of the Apostles in Acts 5:29 has been maliciously distorted to try and turn it into carte blanche to disobey the Supreme Pontiff, but the “luminary” who came up with such an impious interpretation completely forgot about Luke 10:16. There we read that whoever hears blessed Saint Peter and his Apostles, hears Our Lord, and whoever despises them, despises Christ and His heavenly Father that sent Him. For the Pope is sweet Christ on earth, so he that hears the Pope, hears Christ and His Eternal Father. Quoting his Holiness Pope Pius XII: “By mysterious designs of the Providence, WE HAVE BEEN CALLED TO BE here below the Vicar and representative of Jesus Christ, THE LIVING IMAGE OF GOD INCARNATE” (September 30, 1939.)
Basically, it is about the same perverse fallacy held by hypocritical heretic Marcel Lefebvre and his unfortunate spiritual offspring of the SSPX sect, thus showing their null catholicity by recognizing and resisting on multiple occasions those whom they considered as “popes”, that is, antichrists Montini, Luciani, Wojtyla, Ratzinger, and now Bergoglio, “ignoring” that the Pope is the Successor of Saint Peter, and that the Episcopal Body, which is the Catholic Bishops in communion with the Pope. The Bishops validly and licitly consecrated, with a mission received from the Pope, are the successors of the Apostles. Hence, if anyone dares to disobey the Pope, he is disobeying God. It is of Catholic and Divine faith that the Holy Church is exempt from all error, and furthermore Christ and his vicar constitute a single Head [cf Unam sanctam, Mystici Corporis Christi]. Therefore, to maintain that the passage from Acts 5:29 would enable anyone to disobey the Pope is blatant blasphemy typical of charlatans like hypocritical heretic Lefebvre.
The malice of this sophistry is enormous, since to dare claim that the Pope, the Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the most holy head in the entire world, who is also the Head of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Holy Catholic Church, the most holy and immaculate Body that ever existed; to even venture that such a Head can fail or err is intolerable impiety and gross blasphemy. In another age, the Holy Office would never have allowed such a degree of audacity and irreverence, which constitutes a very grave sin against the Holy Ghost as it maliciously suggests that the Paraclete would be wrong when speaking through the mouth of the Pontiffs.
- Fable of appealing for adherence to a “future Pope” who, according to the “Traditionalist” impostors, would confirm and legalize (!?) the multiple irregularities and transgressions committed by those wretches, who insolently pretend to be nothing less than “successors of the Apostles.” (!?)
Based on this false logic, many of these hirelings and soul thieves have impiously dared to erect “religious foundations” and to profess “solemn vows”, carrying out according to them the “apostolic mission” for which they have been called (!?), trusting in a future “Pope” who will give his approval to such desecrations, which is utter madness. The answer to such arrogance is simple, and it is provided by Pope Pius II: “Who will not find it ridiculous, when the appeals are made for what does not exist and for the time of whose future existence no one knows?”
Pope Pius II, Execrabilis, 1460.
From which it automatically follows that without Jurisdiction provided by the Pope there is no Apostolicity, and without the Pope there is no Jurisdiction [cf Mystici Corporis Christi, Ad Sinarum Gentem, Apostolorum Principis Sepulcrum), all those pretentious charlatans being only intruders, that is, non-Catholics.“Legitimate mission is that which comes from the one who has the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven or of the Church, who is the Pope. Thus, the intruding bishops or those who separate from obedience to the Roman Pontiff, ARE NOT SUCCESSORS OF THE APOSTLES, BUT THIEVES, as Jesus Christ calls them, and we must flee from them as sheep flee from wolves.” (Saint Anthony Mary Claret, 1849, The Fourth Mark of the Church: Apostolic)
“To become a successor of the Apostles, it is necessary to be received into the body of the Apostles, into that body that Christ gave power to govern His Church. Thus, even at the time of the Apostles, their successors were appointed… Jurisdiction is possessed only by those in communion with and under the obedience of the supreme head of the Church… The Roman Catholic Church is apostolic because the body of their teachers and rulers legitimately succeed the Apostles. The apostolicity of the teaching body of the Church is for us a guarantee for the apostolicity of the doctrine and the sacraments of the Church, and of all its permanent institutions. Being the successors of the Apostles, the bishops cannot carry out their office independently of the Pope, their supreme head, because the apostles recognized Saint Peter as their supreme head…
“The dependence of the bishops on the Pope is even greater than that of the Apostles on Peter; because the Apostles, having received the extraordinary mission of preaching the Gospel… also received an extraordinary power from Our Lord they did not transmit to their successors… Individual bishops do not inherit this extraordinary power… The bishop… invested with the episcopal dignity by the clergy or even by a chapter, contrary to the laws of the Church… is an intruder. All those who support a priest, bishop or diocesan administrator who has not legitimately received his mission from the Pope, and all who relate to him in spiritual matters, are, like the one they support, treated by the Church as schismatics, because by such action they separate themselves from the unity of the Church.” (Rev. Wilhelm Wilmers, Handbook of the Christian Religion, 1891).
“Apostolicity of mission means the Church is a moral body, that it possesses the mission entrusted by Jesus Christ to the Apostles and that it is transmitted through them and their legitimate successors in an uninterrupted chain of the current representatives of Christ on earth. This authoritative transmission of power in the Church constitutes apostolic succession. This apostolic succession must be both material and formal; the material consists of the royal succession in the Church, through a series of persons from the apostolic age to the present; the formal adds the element of authority in the transmission of power; It consists in the legitimate transmission of the ministerial power conferred by Christ on his Apostles. No one can give a power he does not possess. Therefore, in tracing the location of the mission of the Church back to the Apostles, no gap can be allowed, no new mission can emerge; rather, the mission conferred by Christ must pass from generation to generation through legal and uninterrupted succession. The Apostles received it from Christ and gave it in turn to those rightfully appointed by them, and these again selected others to continue the work of the ministry.
“Any interruption in this succession destroys apostolicity, because the break means the beginning of a new series that is not Apostolic. “How will they preach if they are not sent?” (Rom. 10, 15). An authoritative teaching mission is absolutely necessary, a mission entrusted by a man is not authoritative. Hence any concept of apostolicity that excludes the authoritative union of the apostolic mission robs the ministry of its divine character. Apostolicity, or apostolic succession, then, means that the mission conferred by Jesus on the Apostles must pass from them to their legitimate successors, in an unbroken line, until the end of the world/consummation of the age. This notion of apostolicity is derived from the words of Christ himself, the practice of the Apostles, and the teaching of the Fathers and theologians of the Church.
“Apostolicity is not found in any other Church. This is a necessary consequence of the unity of the Church. If there is only one true Church, and if the Catholic Church, as just pointed out, is Apostolic, it follows that no other Church is Apostolic. All the sects that reject the episcopate, by the very fact make the apostolic succession impossible, since they destroy the channel through which the apostolic mission is transmitted. Historically, the beginnings of all of these churches date back to a period of time after the time of Christ and the Apostles. As for the Greek Church, it is enough to point out that it lost the apostolic succession by withdrawing from the jurisdiction of the legitimate successors of Saint Peter in the See of Rome. The same is true of Anglican claims to continuity (MacLaughlin, “Divine Plan of the Church”, 213; and, Newman, “Diff. Of Angl.”, Lecture 12), for the very fact of separation destroys their jurisdiction. They have based their claims on the validity of Anglican orders. However, these have been declared invalid. But even if they were valid, the Anglican Church would not be apostolic, for jurisdiction is essential to the apostolicity of mission. A study of the organization of the Anglican Church shows that it is completely different from the Church established by Jesus Christ.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907).
- Fable that the Montinian, Novus Ordo or conciliar sect is our only enemy, cunningly seeking to exempt their “traditionalist” franchises from any responsibility. It is a reiteration of the “Non Una Cum” fable, used as a perverse mantra by the false prophets of the Thucist schism and the ex-Lefebvrist false wandering clergy.
Resolution of this fable:
If you and your followers state day in day out that the Conciliar church is not the Catholic Church, but a non-Catholic sect that has broken with Catholicism, then absolutely all the Catholic Bishops, whether validly and licitly consecrated by His Holiness Saint Pius X, His Holiness Benedict XV, His Holiness Pius XI or His Holiness Pius XII who defected to the Conciliar sect, ipso facto ceased to be Catholic Bishops [cf Canon 188.4, Cum ex Apostolatus officio] by their public abandonment of the Catholic Faith, ipso facto losing their ecclesiastical offices and their jurisdiction, not the character of the order, which is indelible, that is, indelible as long as the order has been received, of course.
On the other hand, if you state actively and passively that His Holiness Pius XII is the last true Pope, who bound in heaven that the power of Jurisdiction only reaches the Bishop through the Pope [cf Mystici Corporis Christi, Ad Sinarum Gentem, Apostolorum Principis Sepulcrum], who made it clear that the current discipline for the consecration of Catholic Bishops is reserved exclusively to the Pope, and that no Bishop can proceed to it without a certain apostolic mandate (Canon 953), and whoever consecrates without permission from the Pope ends up being excommunicated (Acta Apostolica Sedis 43 (1951) pp 217-218) and suspended ipso facto (Canon 2370), and who also taught that in periods of interregnum (Apostolic Constitution Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis [Acta Apostolica Sedis 38 ( 1946), n. 3, pp. 65-99]).
Under His Supreme Authority, which is that of Our Lord Jesus Christ, all power and jurisdiction of the Pope in life cannot be used or exercised, otherwise it will be null and void , that is invalid, as His Holiness Pope Leo XIII declared in his infallible Bull Apostolicae Curae of September 13, 1896, and the current discipline on episcopal consecrations is reserved exclusively to the Pope while he is alive (Canon 953). And in interregnums it is prohibited not under illegality, but under nullity, that is invalidity. His Holiness Pope Innocent IV said in his Apparatus Super Quinque Libros Decretali, that the Pope can, by means of a Constitution, prohibit a Bishop from christening, ordaining, and even validly baptizing , so if it affirms that the sacraments conferred by such persons are invalid, then they are effectively invalid (sic).
“Et quidem satis bene videntur dicere in eo, quod dicunt, quod possunt facere constitutiones summi Pontifices super praemissis, et eis factis, si constituatur quod non valeant sacramenta a talibus collata, non valebunt”.
Therefore, could you explain to us how would it possible that there can be a valid “Bishop”, who would have received jurisdiction directly from the Pope, that is, which is an essential requirement for him to be licit and Catholic, in your “chapel”-sect created in 1981 by the hands of the “Archbishop” of Bulla Regia [Thuc], an “Archbishopric” that Montini-Paul 6 gave him in 1968, and that by sleight of hand Canon 188.4 and Pope Paul IV’s Cum ex apostolatus officiowould not be applied to him, nor the discipline of episcopal consecrations (canon 953 (Acta Apostolica Sedis 43 (1951) pp. 217-218) and that of interregnums (Acta Apostolica Sedis 38 (1946), n. 3, pp. 65-99), not to mention more illegalities than have already been quoted hundreds of times. And we also leave out what His Holiness Pope Leo XIII said in his infallible bull Apostolicae Curae: “Since obtaining nullliter orders means the same thing as a null and void act, that is, invalid, as the same word and common speech require”; would you please explain all of that?… “Nulliter enim obtinuisse ordines idem est atque irrito actu nulloque effectu, videlicet invalide, ut ipsa monet eius vocis notatio et consuetudo sermonis; praesertim quum idem pari modo affirmetur de ordinibus quod de beneficiis ecclesiasticis…”And the same goes for Lefebvre, of course.
Can you tell us, if you would be so kind, how is it possible that in your sect-garage-private “chapel” there is a valid Bishop, with jurisdiction, and who is Catholic, i.e., licit?…
Because, as far as we know, priests cannot consecrate bishops, and it is prohibited sub poena nullitatis to usurp the powers and jurisdiction of the Pope in interregnums since 1945, the current discipline of episcopal consecrations being exclusively reserved to the Pope. Therefore, the leader of your sect could never have been consecrated Bishop sub poena nullitatis, much less as a Catholic, so we will have to conclude that he is nothing more than a priest who lost his office in 1965, and who believed in 1981 that an ultramodernist Montinian Archbishop [Thuc], who had previously “consecrated” five “Bishops” to the Vetero-Catholic schism, and five countrymen of Palmar de Troya (Spain), an Archbishop who lost his office in 1965. This just like the Roncallian Titular Archbishop of Sinnada of Phrygia [Lefebvre], who “made” him a Catholic Bishop 23 years after the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII, and 16 years after the Great Biblical Apostasy. And you dare say that 65 years after the death of Pope Pius XII, and 42 years after the infamy of your garage, you affirm that laymen disguised with mitres can “consecrate” Catholic Bishops and “ordain” Catholic Priests? You carry on with the chimerical tale that these men would be valid, licit, and would have jurisdiction to absolve sins, and they would represent the Holy Apostolic and Roman Catholic Church, but nothing could be further from the truth.
From which it can be easily gathered that not only did these men not receive the power of jurisdiction, for we have not had a Pope since October 9, 1958 [cf “Mystici Corporis Christi”, “Ad Sinarum gentem”, “Ad Apostolorum principis”], but nor did they receive the power of order sub poena nullitatis in an interregnum, that is invalidity. (Vacantis apostolicae Sedis, Apostolicae Curae, canon 953, AAS 43 (1951) pp 217-218).
Therefore, at the very least, their episcopal ordinations would be dubious (to some, to others it is obvious that they are invalid), and in conferring the sacraments it is never permissible to adopt a probable course of action as regards validity, abandoning the safest course; the opposite was explicitly condemned by Pope Innocent XI in the Decree of the Holy Office of March 2, 1679.
As a result, they are not only illicit, in other words, intruders, which they know, and for this reason they always emphasize that they are valid in order to deceive the simple, since they lack all jurisdiction to govern the flock of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but they are also invalid because the leader of their sect or garage was never consecrated Bishop in 1981 sub poena nullitatis during the interregnum in which they say we are, so we must necessarily conclude that they have been simulating episcopal consecrations and ordinations, as well as simulating the adminitration of sacraments, for more than 40 years.
In his commentary on Matthew, Chapter 24 ver. 1-14, St Thomas Aquinas notes the following: “Now all these are the beginnings of sorrows.” “So we ought to consider that the world is like a man, because when it approaches death, its vital forces begin to weaken. So, to demonstrate the universal change that will occur at the end of time, the Lord brings about some particular change such that the forces of nature do not have some power, and then there will be pestilences because the air, which serves us in two ways, WILL BE CORRUPTED (my emphasis). Likewise, the earth will be corrupted, which serves us for food because it brings forth plants and grains, hence, food is produced, and this will be debilitated such that there will be a famine on earth. Likewise, the earth supports us, and against this, the earth will be disturbed, whence, earthquakes will occur. The first two afflictions will be universal, but the last one will be particular, because it will happen in certain places. And why will it not happen universally throughout the whole world? It will be so that men, upon seeing this, may consider within their hearts and be converted.”
“Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of Earth’s environment on a large scale, in a sense “terraforming” Earth itself.” (quotes from earth.com)” The chemicals used in Geoengineering (Silver Iodide, Potassium Iodide and Solid Carbon Dioxide, Aluminum, Barium, Cadmium, and Strontium, nanoparticles, desiccated human red blood cells, and more) along with the radiation from cell towers, have done much damage to all life on earth, and I think could possibly relate to how Thomas Aquinas says that the “air will be corrupted”. There is no more fresh air as there once was, it is filled with dangerous toxins, as well as the radiation from 5G towers, wifi and cell phones, which deprive the human cells of oxygen.
In the Catechism of the Council of Trent, translated into English by the Rev. J Donovan, dated in the preface, June 10th, 1829; under the section, “Article IX. I Believe The Holy Catholic Church”, it reads: It will not be difficult to estimate the care with which the pastor should explain this ninth Article to the faithful, if we attend to the following important considerations: that, as S. Augustine observes, the prophets spoke more plainly and explicitly of the Church than of Christ, foreseeing that on this a much greater number may err and be deceived, than on the mystery of the incarnation: after ages were to behold wicked men, who, imitative as the ape, that would FAIN PASS FOR ONE OF THE HUMAN SPECIES (my emphasis), arrogate to themselves exclusively the name of Catholic, and, with effrontery as unblushing as it is impious, assert that with them alone is to be found the Catholic Church.
Secondly, that he, whose mind is deeply impressed with this truth, will experience little difficulty in avoiding the awful danger of heresy; for a person is not to be called a heretic so called, when, in defiance of the authority of the Church, he maintains impious opinions, with unyielding pertinacity. As, therefore, so long as he holds what this Article proposes to be believed, no man can be infected with the contagion of heresy; the pastor should use every diligence, that the faithful, knowing this mystery, and prepared against the wiles of Satan, persevere in the truth faith.”
If we consider the Catholic Church and her Sacraments, are life-giving to the human soul, we similarly understand, the water we drink, food we eat, air we breath are the life giving elements we must have to live here on this earth. Both have been attacked in ways never seen before: Holy Mother Catholic Church, and Mother Earth (“Praised be You my Lord through our Sister, Mother Earth who sustains and governs us, producing varied fruits with coloured flowers and herbs.” St Francis of Assisi) and Sirach / Ecclesiasticus 40:1 “Great labour is created for all men, and a heavy yoke is upon the children of Adam, from the day of their coming out of their mother’s womb, until the day of their burial into the mother of all.”) And we could add here Holy Mother Mary, after the Protestant Revolt and the disrespect shown to her by destroying and disregarding her role as our Spiritual Mother. (Secret of Mary, St Louis de Montfort)
Haydock says in his commentary, that God normally works in natural ways, and I believe the burning of the earth spoken of by St Peter, may possibly tie into geoengineering, as it has destroyed much of the earth and its natural systems, and now it is heating at a rapid rate. I believe it is very relevant. The sea is dying, many species of animals have died, many plants are dying, trees dying, etc.
As seen in the quote from Catechism of Trent, as well as several verses of scripture, including Deuteronomy 32, we aren’t dealing with humans; (“and I will provoke them with that which is no people, and will vex them with a foolish nation.” verse 21) I also think it is a possibility that this chapter may touch upon many other things that have happened these past decades, and especially with “vaccines”, etc. Needless to say, we shouldn’t rule out what God will do in his wrath (verse 22), which he is justly pouring out.
Lastly, and I am sorry I can’t remember the gentleman’s name, but I listened to a speech by a man who was a doctor. In the 1960’s, they were told at a medical conference (?) what the Freemason’s had planned for the world, by a Freemason who spoke at the conference. It included all that has happened these past years – (just as we were prewarned by the Holy Popes). One of the things the gentleman said, was that they were told that there would be “no martyrs”.
We are being taken out just by breathing the air, drinking the water, taking vaccines, eating the food, etc., with many souls already dead spiritually from the reign of Satan this past 65 years, what is left to inflict? We must never under estimate the significance of keeping the True Faith, and doing all we can to save our soul. We have been given the impression from the so-called “pastors” of the Novus Ordo, and Traditionalists, that it is too confusing to figure out OR God doesn’t expect you to know what to do OR God doesn’t demand much from you now like He used to, – and don’t worry about it, we will take care of you! But nothing is further from the truth. As you have said before Teresa, the fathers of the Church said those living in the end times will be left to figure it out based on what is happening around them. (my paraphrase) These are natural things going on around us, that we would be foolish to ignore as we consider the end of the world.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Lord, save us, we perish.
“The beloved grew fat, and kicked: he grew fat, and thick and gross, he forsook God who made him, and , and departed from God his saviour. They provoked him by strange gods, and stirred him up to anger, with their abominations. They sacrificed to devils and not to God: to gods whom they knew not: that were newly come up, whom their fathers worshipped not. Thou has forsaken the God that begot thee, and has forgotten the Lord that created thee. The Lord saw, and was moved to wrath: because his own sons and daughters provoked him. And he said: I will hide my face from them, and will consider what their last end shall be: for it is a perverse generation, and unfaithful children. They have provoked me with that which was no god, and have angered me with their vanities: and I will provoke them with that which is no people, and will vex them with a foolish nation. A fire is kindled in my wrath, and shall burn even to the lowest hell: and shall devour the earth with her increase, and shall burn the foundations of the mountains. I will heap evils upon them, and will spend my arrows among them.” Deut. 32:15-23ff
[Dane Wigington, for the last 20 years, has been exposing what is going on in the skies, and has plenty of documentation, patents, etc., on his informative website, listed above.]
Yes, if people would just believe Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Church; if they would acknowledge the signs of the times which are all around them, they would see. But they are blinded, and are afraid to see. They value their life on earth more than their souls.
The Freemasons that spoke at that conference was wrong. God will not be robbed of His martyrs. We are martyrs in mind and spirit, whether they kill us openly or not. We simply must strive to daily wash our robes in the blood of the Lamb, to keep the faith,and to bear all with patience as Christ bore his sufferings for us on the Cross.
“God will not be robbed of His martyrs. We are martyrs in mind and spirit, whether they kill us openly or not.”
Thank you, Teresa. This is beautiful and true.
Psalm 92 (The Psalter of the BVM – St Bonaventure)
“The Lord hath reigned, He is clothed in beauty: He hath crowned His Mother with the ornaments of virtues. May the Mother of peace fulfill in us his propitiation: and may she teach her servants the way of equity. Ye who desire the wisdom of Christ: serve His Mother with a reverent soul. Who will suffice to relate thy works, O Lady? And who shall search out the treasure of thy mercy? Do thou uphold those who are fainting away in their temptations: and appoint them a lot in truth.”
I felt compelled to add this, lest anyone be scared, depressed or discouraged by what I wrote, and by the documentary I recommended. We know as Catholics there is much more going on here – things that we cannot see, but know in Faith, “For we walk by faith, and not by sight.” 2Cor 5.7 “For we know, if our earthly house of this habitation be dissolved, that we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heaven. For in this also we groan, desiring to be clothed upon with our habitation that is from heaven.” 2Cor 5.1-2
“And the Lord is become a refuge for the poor: a helper in due time in tribulation. And let them trust in thee who know thy name: for thou hast not forsaken them that seek thee, O Lord. Sing ye to the Lord, who dwelleth in Sion: declare his ways among the Gentiles: For requiring their blood, he hath not forgotten the cry of the poor. Have mercy on me, O Lord: see my humiliation which I suffer from my enemies. Thou that liftest me up from the gates of death, that I may declare all they praises in the gates of the daughter of Sion. I will rejoice in thy salvation: the Gentiles have stuck fast in the destruction which they prepared. Their foot has been taken in the very snare which they hid.” Ps. 9.10-16
I believe each time we pray the Rosary, we “lift Christ up from the gates of death”. We are the dust, Christ is created in us. Satan can NEVER WIN. The enemies who deny VAS, deny therefore the Holy Ghost, the third person of the Blessed Trinity. By understanding and accepting our current situation in the Church, and in Time – that is “the end of time”, we proclaim the Truth, and we honour Jesus Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary in our suffering, and allow Him to live through us, and we declare His salvation knowing He is the Victor (Apocalypse 1:17-18). The spirit of fear is not from God (2Tim 1.7) “but of power, and of love, and of sobriety.” How much more sober can we get by accepting these realities? I believe this to be the Crowning of Mary. “Finally, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord, and in the might of his power. Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil.” Eph. 6:10-11ff Discouragement is a deceit of the devil. Our Hope is in a Risen Christ – He is Risen, Alleluia.
*Thank you Teresa, for allowing me to write these things on your blog.
Thank you for all your comments Josie. We are here to lift up and encourage one another. We are beings who have one foot on the land (the earth) and the other in the clouds (Heaven) where we long to be. We must run to Our Blessed Mother and beg her to carry us in these times whenever we feel unable to walk. She cradles us in the crossing of her arms (Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego). She supports us as we undergo the Passion of the Church, for she above all others knows the crushing weight of her Son’s Passion. We all stand together at the Foot the Cross. We will not abandon Our Lord, and He will never abandon us.
Teresa, you said:
“Therefore we must believe that Antichrist IS an individual man.”
Mark, you said:
“As you so beautifully pointed out, dear Teresa, the utter import of the United Nations appearance by the natural messiah, the king of the world, on 4 October, 1965,ff …. You simply CANNOT make this stuff up, while it can simply as only be borne witness to. Amen.”
It reminded me of the following:
From the Catholic Encyclopedia re: Caiphas:
“The role assigned him in the trial of Christ, in John 18, points to the same continued influence. In the measures taken by the Jewish authorities to do away with Jesus, Caiphas certainly had the most discreditable part.”
“The words of Caiphas, the high-priest of that year, are reported by St. John: “You know nothing. Neither do you consider that it is expedient to you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not” (11:49-50). They show a disdain for others, and a determination to get rid of this man who was displeasing to him, without any consideration of the justice of his cause. But while we may see in the declaration of Caiphas the manifestation of very unworthy sentiments, we are warned by St. John that it was prophetical. The high-priest expressed in a striking way the meaning of the sufferings of the Man-God (John 11:51-52), though he could not have realized the full import of those mysterious words.
The death of Jesus being resolved upon, the most unscrupulous means were employed in order to bring it about, and Caiphas is chiefly to blame. The meeting determined upon by the princes of the priests and the elders of the people, “that by subtlety they might apprehend Jesus”, was held in the house of Caiphas (Matthew 26:3-5). The hill south of Jerusalem where this house is said by tradition to have stood is called the “Hill of Evil Counsel”. As high-priest, Caiphas was the official head of the Sanhedrin, and consequently responsible for the travesty of a trial to which Christ was submitted by the Jewish authorities, before they handed Him over to Pilate and stirred up the people to demand his death.”
Image of Paul VI wearing the “ephod of Caiphas”:
The passage in Exodus 28, which describes what Paul VI is wearing in the above photos, which represents the Jewish nation. And particularly, Exodus 28:31-32, where it speaks of the “outmost parts of garments, that it may not easily be broken”; makes me think of Mark 14:63-64 when the high priest (aka: Caiphas) “rending his garments, saith: What need we any further witnesses? You have heard the blasphemy. What think you? Who all condemned him to be guilty of death.” Just like you mention in your comment, Mark, “Handing over the LETTER that has been entrusted to him, as in handing over the Deposit of Faith, the Sacred Letter, the perpetual Magisterium”. Here we have Paul VI symbolically rending the garment (that cannot easily be broken Ex. 28:32), just like Caiphas before him.
And incredibly, the verse numbers from Mark 14, even tie into the years of Vatican 2,(!!) where they tore the seamless unity of the Catholic Church, and betrayed Our Lord. How can anyone doubt that Paul VI was the Antichrist at this point…. he even wore the Ephod of Caiphas! Like you said Mark, “You can’t make this stuff up!”
Well there are many that simply will not believe Paul 6 could ever have been the Antichrist, despite so many indicators to the contrary. It is because the spiritual aspect of all this escapes them. But the only way to be PERFECTLY opposed to Christ would be to clothe oneself in the robes of His vicar, which is why Pope Paul IV said this would be the abomination of desolation.
“Many, it is true, lament the fact that until now these hopes have been unfulfilled, and are prone to repeat the words of Jeremias: “We looked for peace and no good came; for a time of healing, and beheld fear” (Jer. viii., 15). But all such will be certainly rebuked as “men of little faith,” who make no effort to penetrate the works of God or to estimate them in the light of truth. For who can number the secret gifts of grace which God has bestowed upon His Church through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin throughout this period? And even overlooking these gifts, what is to be said of the Vatican Council so opportunely convoked; or of the dogma of Papal Infallibility so suitably proclaimed to meet the errors that were about to arise; or, finally, of that new and unprecedented fervor with which the faithful of all classes and of every nation have long been flocking to venerate in person the Vicar of Christ?”
“why should we not believe that our salvation is nearer than we thought; all the more since we know from experience that, in the dispensation of Divine Providence, when evils reach their limit, deliverance is not far distant. “Her time is near at hand, and her days shall not be prolonged. For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob and will choose one out of Israel” (Isaias xiv., 1). Wherefore the hope we cherish is not a vain one, that we, too, may before long repeat: “The Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked, the rod of the rulers. The whole earth is quiet and still, it is glad and hath rejoiced” (Ibid. 5, 7).”
Teresa, you have done exactly this, as St. Pope Pius X in this encyclical states: – “the faithful of all classes and of every nation have long been flocking to venerate in person the Vicar of Christ” – through your website. You have diligently presented the infallible documents of the Vicars of Christ, helping to repair the damage done to those with, “eyes to see and ears to hear”. Those of us who were taught falsehood, and sought Truth with all their heart and escaped the traps set through the guidance of the Holy Ghost. The complete Truth, that couldn’t be found anywhere else.
“From the knowledge that the Holy Ghost will abide with the Church forever we are made certain that the Church can never teach us falsehood, and can never be destroyed by the enemies of our Faith.” BC#445
May God reward you abundantly in Eternity! “Thank you” does not come near the sentiment I wish to express to you.
Thank you for your kind words, Josie. As you yourself have pointed out, we believe Christ’s Vicars because they teach His truth; Christ Himself is the teacher. How it ever came about that people forgot this and decided they could believe whatever they choose to believe, yet still called themselves Catholic, is beyond me. But the fish rots from the head down, so it was our bishops who failed us. Liberalism and Modernism should have been destroyed by a true ecumenical council, not championed at the false one. That it was not tells us that the great apostasy began with the cardinals and the bishops.The stars fell from heaven and here we are, still trying to survive amidst the ensuing ruins. Lord save us, we perish!
I am gradually continuing to read all the articles and I can only say that everything written resonates with me which I always keep in my heart. Javier Morell-Ibarra’s comments and writing style are also inspiring.
I had also previously been influenced by the “1000 year period of peace” aspect as some kind of indefinite period after the Second Coming, but internally I found it quite difficult to accept. Because moral decay reigns all around, every day is like a martyrdom, going out on city or town streets or in public places (shops) during the day I have constant pain in soul and depression, as if without breath, and then as if drained of energy. Society no longer even has common sense, let alone religion. To be honest, I’m barely hanging on by faith. Every year seems more and more difficult. And if together everything is worse than before the Great Flood, it is difficult to imagine how humanity not be punished by fire or something like that.
So I totally agree with this: “It is beyond me how anyone could think that after the earth has been soiled by so many sacrileges and blasphemies, horrid, heart-rending crimes against children, Satan worship, all manner of impurity, the blood of countless martyrs and so many other evils, anyone would want to remain here to enjoy some kind of “peace.” Please count me out. I want only to be taken away to Heaven”
Therefore, I am only glad if Revelation 20, verse 7 is applicable to these end times.
However, in order to understand things better, I would like to ask the question, to what period should verses 1-6 of Revelation chapter 20 be applied (since those events are chronologically placed before verse 7? Because Revelation 20:4 speaks of the beast and his mark (therefore could it be the same period as in verse 7?) Does this mean that the arrangement of the verses has no chronological significance?
I also have a question, is the resurrection (transformation) of the body as a possibility during consummation, when in fact there is no physical death? What is the Church’s teaching on this? How to correctly understand 1 Cor. 15: vs. 51-52 according to the teaching of the Church, without taking into account the Protestant rapture theory?
Dear Rihard,
So good to hear from you!
In my next blog I will quote a scripture commentator who explains the chronology of the book of Apocalypse and how it is to be understood.
Also, regarding the quote from 1 Cor., I believe the Church basically interprets this as meaning that many shall rise and possess their bodies and in that way be changed, but some will go to heaven and others to hell.
The verses before these two seem to explain it that way: the earthly man and the heavenly man. St. Paul says it is “a mystery” so I believe we were not meant to understand it entirely 🙂
Dear Teresa,
Thank you for your answer and I always keep you and this blog in my heart and prayers. May God richly reward you in eternity for your contribution to spreading the truth.
Based on your previous answer, does this mean that everyone has to physically die to be resurrected? But how should this sentence be understood in that case: ““times” will be shortened, lest no flesh be saved”?
I already saw that it was mentioned in the comments that 2028 could be the last year (the vaticancatholic.com fake organization also mentioned this in one video). Although objectively, taking into account the period of 2000 years, it is not too much, but subjectively even this already seems to me a lot, and sometimes I ask the question whether I will be able to live even a few years, or whether I will live to consummation at all… Everything depends on the surrounding circumstances , and the grace of God. God only knows. But the question here is those who will live to consummation, does this mean that they will also have to die physically?
Dear Rihard,
Thank you for your prayers; they are much appreciated! You are in mine as well.
Regarding the 2028 date, which is only speculation, it puzzles me how the site you mentioned comes up with any date since they seem not to have accepted that Antichrist has already come, the Mass has ceased and his system has prevailed. But of course they probably refer all this to the three-year, six-month period, when the trad “masses” cease. This is the real danger here, as you already understand, but unfortunately others do not. It strikes me that perhaps to destroy this myth Christ will come even sooner — the shortened times — but of course we cannot know anything for certain.
As to whether we shall be taken up body and soul,
St. Thomas Aquinas states that those who still have Purgatory to endure when the world is destroyed by fire — and that would be most everyone, I imagine — will be purified by the fires of the consummation first, which would destroy their bodies, meaning then they would regain them in Heaven. That is probably the most authoritative estimation of all this. The Church has never officially decided on most of these matters relating to the end times.
This is great information, Mark; thanks so much for providing it. Even Our Lord Jesus Christ had to experience death to triumph over it, so we can hardly expect anything less! Many blessings!
Thank you Mark.
Just as those of the Old Testament were freed from Limbo with Christ’s death on the Cross, St. Thomas Aquinas and the majority of theologians teach that Purgatory will be vacated with the Last Judgment. It is also the common opinion of theologians that those on earth will all suffer death before the Final Judgement, according to the Catholic Catechism of Peter Cardinal Gasparri.
Thank you also, Josie, for raising the issue of environmental and natural degradation and 5G. Because the well-being of the soul also depends on the surrounding environment and natural elements. About 6 years ago I moved to a special (only over time I learned several signs and parallels which might have connection with end times and Catholic teaching) place in the town. It was the exact year they built a monstrous 4G tower North (as far as I know, North has also the negative aspect) side from my flat, yes unfortunately it is not far from my home. At that time I did not know much about the harmful effects of cell-towers, but even then I did not like that tower very much.
I learned about the harmful effects of 5G from some activists around 2019-2020. I also got involved in the anti-5G movement in the covid-era, helping hand out leaflets etc. things. Also, I used to be in the movement against “vaccines”. I also hoped that in this way it would somehow be possible to spread/rise the truth about religion in time. In the end, all this does not have much success in terms of the elimination of 5G, because even the anti-globalist small part of the society is divided. I’m disappointed with how it all ended and that I spent too much energy on it, I am left alone.
Telecom companies just keep spreading the propaganda about 5G and moving on. System wants the stolen Latvia to be a 5G super-state which is actually a corrupt slave state. It seems to me that 5G blocks have also been placed on that 4G tower in the course of time, because the companies tend to keep quiet from the apathetic society what they do regarding these things. Also at that time I bought online a measuring device, which by alternative standards shows increased radiation (looks like 5G frequencies) both in my flat, but especially near the window and outside the house.
In that sense, I feel like a victim of 5G and cell tower abomination, there are also studies that confirm that electromagnetic radiation has a negative effect on the psychic sphere as well. I am very distant and foreign in spirit from all the 5G propaganda. I have imagined how St. Michael the archangel destroys that tower, or at the end of the world it is struck by lightning and in fire. To be honest, I rejocied watching those videos with burning and falling 5G towers in other countries considering what harm they do. Here society is too apathetic and submits to all evil’
I don’t like to talk about myself as a loser and a victim in this regard, but reality is what it is. Now I think that it was built there the very year I moved in, to bear witness about the evil. I just hope for the prayers and support of others. But not speaking only of the bad, in the place where I live, as I said I have seen several signs, and thanks to God, despite many storms, I have also received many graces so far.
Thank you Teresa, for your comments and prayers, which are greatly appreciated.
I can’t seem to reply in order below your last comment/discussion (I don’t know how to do that). That’s why I’m writing like a new section.
vaticancatholic.com believes that the antichrist was John Paul II. Sometime around the 1990s, they nominated both Paul VI and John Paul II as candidates for the Antichrist. I agree with your blog’s opinion about Paul VI as the Antichrist, because it seems the most logical explanation. John-Paul II, like the other antipopes, are descendants of the Antichrist. They are not too far from identifying the Antichrist, except for other things. They mentioned the year 2028, as far as I know, because they connect the parallels with the 70-year slavery of Babylon and Bible prediction without papacy. And I agree with you – if too many people (including heretics) talk about something, it often does not materialize.
I remembered that I have one confusion. In the article “The Final Chapter – Apocalyptic Prophecy Fulfilled” you mentioned Great Britain’s King Charles V will (could) be the leader of New World religion. Is it like speculation? There is currently a person named Charles III on the throne of Great Britain. Even assuming that all future kings took the name of the previous king (then Charles V would have 2 in a row) it could theoretically take several decades (maybe even century), so in that case it would be far beyond the year 2028 and the question is also about the last generation that was discussed. It would be good to know your thoughts in more detail.
Dear Rihard,
The main problem with the Trads recognizing Paul 6 OR John Paul 2 as Antichrist is that the Church teaches as certain that only one man can be Antichrist, (although succeeding usurpers were antichrist in his image). That man would have to be the one who dismantled the Church, destroyed the Sacraments and officially introduced a new mass and order of things.
I have always designated John 23 (Roncalli) as the false prophet because he was the first invalidly elected usurper who began the destruction under Paul 6’s direction and with his assistance. Montini’s new mass was one of his own creation, where he is mentioned in the Canon, and therefore this is but one way in which he is an idol set up on the altar — to be adored as though he is speaking as a true pope in God’s name.
Roncalli is actually the one who abrogated the Tridentine Mass with his John 23 missal. He also corrupted it in the 1959 missalettes, which translated “for many” to “for all men” in English, although his revised Roman missal still read pro multis. This then was not an official abrogation or replacement, only a gradual erosion of Tradition.
The mass in the vernacular is what sealed the deal; this was clearly an innovation some of the people living then recognized and rejected. But their objections should have begun long before this.
I am sorry I confused you with the Charles V business; I have no idea how that error occurred but am posting a new PDF to correct it. Thank you for letting me know!
Dear Rihard,
Know that the year 2028 is a derivative of the command of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, Who commands in Matthew 24:34, the following: “Amen I say to you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.” At that point in the Gospel of Matthew 24, that is at verse 34, Jesus the Christ had finished His commands regarding what was to occur prior His Second Coming to judge the cosmos, including the Great Apostasy, the revelation of the person of Antichrist and his attendant desolation/tribulation, which includes the tacit understanding of the loss of His Vicar and Apostolic Succession thus, with, “many false Christs”, being present, as this was His answer to the query of His disciples in Matthew 24:3: “…Tell us when shall these things be: and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the consummation of the world?”
It is simply rightly reasoned that 70 years is what is generally understood to define the lifespan of one single generation. Amen. Further, it is rightly reasoned that the clock must begin to tick for those same 70 years, precisely when all those things He warned of have occurred, as that is what Christ Jesus commands with His utterance, “…till all these things be done…”, and culminating then with the fulfillment of the prophesy of the Antichrist. Amen. As dear Teresa may allow for, I will address any further questions you may have in this regard. God bless you and yours.
Dear Mark,
I brought this out in my 1/22 blog here: I am currently preparing an article that explains how some have split this period into two separate 35-year time periods. I also have mentioned how if a “time” in Holy Scripture could be reckoned as 20 years, then a time (20 years) times (40 years) and half a time (10 years) could amount to the prophecy of Daniel and Apocalypse.
So much to consider! Thank you for answering Rihard.
Dear Mark,
Thank you both for continuing this discussion.
Yes, I would like to know more about these things. And I hope that over time, based on Teresa’s blog, we will be able to understand more about this matter. It’s not just curiosity, but I’d really like to know year. Internal and external instability, immoral society, as well as frequent ignorance of what God wants, often leads to returning to questions about residence, etc. There are periods I blame myself in vain for not being somewhere outside of civilization, etc. Maximum clarity in this regard would be God’s blessing.
I have a question, what do you consider the beginning of the great apostasy? Teresa’s blog is based on the Protestant revolution in the 1500s. I would like to know in more detail why reference point is from 1958, if the Antichrist Paul VI appeared in 1963? Do you give a direct reference date when clock must begin to tick?
Also, why do you think that the time should be exactly 70 years (the time of one generation), if the relevant verse says: “generation shall not pass, till all these things be done”, so according to my understanding it can also be faster, because Christ does not say, that it will be within time one generation. I guess I don’t fully understand something, I need more comments.
And if a period of 70 years and a specific reference date are given, for example, October 28, 1958 (the “election” of John XXIII – but he was not the Antichrist but false prophet), then it turns out that we can arrive at a specific date for 2028 in this way.
I look forward to more comments from you, Mark, or Teresa in some future blog. God’s blessings and protection to you.
Dear Rihard,
I will try to answer some of your questions below.
Beginning of the apostasy
It is Henry Cardinal Manning who dates the Reformation as the beginning of the Great Apostasy. Other Catholic writers do as well. Pope Paul IV must have thought that it indeed had at least begun, since he wrote Cum ex Apostolatus Officio, in which he proposed to drive away those trying to seat the abomination of desolation in the Holy Place.
1958 election
In 1958, there was an invalid election. All the cardinals were then disqualified under Canon Law (Can. 2391 §1) from electing another pope, meaning that Paul 6 was not validly elected either. Proofs that Roncalli’s 1958 election was invalid have been available since 1990. Roncalli was a usurper, an antichrist, but he was not THE Antichrist; that was the role of Paul 6. He is the one who sold us out to the CIA and the Commies, with Roncalli’s help, even before his “election.” All this is documented in my book, The Phantom Church in Rome.
False prophet
Scripture tells us that the false prophet will “execute all the power [of Antichrist] IN HIS SIGHT (Apoc. 13:12). This means that he will then be alive and will be assisting him even then. “And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should speak.” (13:15). One of Roncalli’s first acts as “pope” was to make Montini a cardinal, eligible for papal election, and able to “speak” as “pope,” something Pius XII refused to do.
70 years (time=20, times=40, and half a time=10)
The number 20 in Scripture represents finalization, fulfillment. St. Jerome says that the course of the Church will most likely mirror the events recorded in the Old Testament, and this is why the Babylonian Captivity seems to fit our own times, but we cannot be certain of any of these dates. We are simply observing what has happened over the years and applying the speculations of the commentators plus our own observations based on what we have experienced to come up with an approximate dateline/scenario.
Times to be shortened
The 70 years will be shortened because Christ told us they would be or no flesh would be saved. We simply cannot be certain how God reckons the times. We date the vacancy form the death of Pope Pius XII because St. Paul says that until the pope is taken out of the way (2 Thess. 2), the Man of Sin cannot be revealed. What he does not say is how long it will take him to be revealed. All we know is that the one who formally takes away the Latin Mass and desolates the Church who denies the Incarnation, is the Antichrist. And how is the Incarnation denied?
Henry Cardinal Manning writes:
“Rome and the Roman states are the inheritance of the Incarnation. The world is resolved to drive the Incarnation off the earth… This is the true interpretation of the anti-Catholic movement… The dethronement of the Vicar of Christ is the dethronement of the hierarchy of the universal Church and the public rejection of the Presence and Reign of Jesus…”
I hope this helps clarify things. Thank you for commenting and may God bless you.
Yes, Mark, as things more closely approach, all seems now to become much clearer. We must keep our lamps lit and continue to pray and watch!
Many blessings.
Dear Teresa and Mark,
Thanks, I agree with both of you on your explanation regarding the last comments. And I also do not deny that the 1958 elections were invalid and John XXIII was antichrist with a small letter.
What I found difficult to put together is following
Mark you wrote in one of his previous comments: ” it is rightly reasoned that the clock must begin to tick for those same 70 years, precisely when all those things He warned of have occurred”. But paragraph before you wrote: “At that point in the Gospel of Matthew 24, that is at verse 34, Jesus the Christ had finished His commands regarding what was to occur prior His Second Coming to judge the cosmos, including the Great Apostasy, the REVELATION OF THE PERSON OF ANTICHRIST [my emphasis]”.
So did you men this person – John XXIII (antichrist) or Paul VI (the Antichist). As you said clock must begin to tick for those 70 years when ALL those things HAVE OCCURED, then, if you had in mind Paul VI as a reference point, that is also the reason why I had asked about year 1963 as a reference point.
And the second aspect – well, we can’t say the year, but did I understand correctly that your opinion about the year 2028 is like the maximum limit when there could be conssumation?
And the second aspect – well, we can’t say the year, but did I understand correctly that your opinion about the year 2028 is like the maximum limit when there could be conssumation?
At this point, I am thinking of finalizing this discussion at this article.
May God bless abundantly.
*Caveat for my recommendation of the website “geoengineeringwatch.org” (documentary, “The Dimming”): possibly run by a Freemason. He seems to have credible information on the website; ie: patents, Science reports, etc. He spends an hour every week calling out the “Bankers” and “elite”, but then at the end of these weekly broadcasts, he quotes known Freemasons, such as Mark Twain, Thoreau, etc., for “inspirational” quotes. When I questioned him on this, I received no response. Freemasons usually control both sides, so we have to be cautious.
Thank you Josie, and I agree.
We have to remember that the powers that be operate on both the right and the left. I have something on this in my next blog; just a warning. We certainly live in unprecedented times.
See the site article on Communitarianism, Mark. There is a lot there that explains this further. And you will appreciate the next blog!
He also uses NASA as a trusted source?!
Dear Rihard:
I am late returning to this conversation, but I really appreciate what you replied here:
“Because the well-being of the soul also depends on the surrounding environment and natural elements”
“I’m disappointed with how it all ended and that I spent too much energy on it, I am left alone.”
We can all relate to the pain you express here!
In the speech by Msgr. Ernest Jouin called, “Papacy and Freemasonry” talking about Freemasonry being, “Counter-State” it reads:
“On this subject Pope Leo XIII foresaw that Freemasonry, “the power which is almost equivalent to sovereignty,” and which already occupied the place of “State within the State,” would soon form the Super State.” Then further down it reads that Pope Leo XIII said that, “it is with a FEELING OF FEAR THAT ONE BRINGS TO MIND THE DEATH SENTENCE PROUNCED AGAINST HUMANITY IN THE “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
I appreciate that Pope Leo XIII said “it is with a feeling of fear”, and that he called it, “a death sentence”. I appreciate his human emotion expressed! We are the Spiritual “walking dead” for facing the Truth and suffering willingly the distress it has caused us. How could you not have gotten involved in such an important cause? True, our soul is more important than our physical body, but as we watch these horrors all around us now; (ie: spraying in the sky, 5G towers, vaccines with poisonous ingredients, etc.) it is hard to know how we are to try and make some difference for the good, corporally, as the Church always expected people to do in their communities. (Spiritually, of course, we are all working hard praying and studying the Faith, etc.)
The visual reality of these things, leads us to look into what they actually are, which leads us to secular sources, and trying to find the truth is next to impossible, because of who is running the show: aka: the “Church of Freemasonry”. That is what it is called in Msgr. Jouin’s speech, by a Freemason, F. Limousin, in October, 1902!
For any who haven’t noticed, NASA (as I posted in the link above), is the name of “Satan” with the letters mixed up?! How obvious is this, yet people don’t think it could possible mean that! On so many levels, the psychological abuse these past 65 years has been beyond description.
I guess, like our leader, Jesus Christ, we have been forced to face what (appears) to be impossible! And, we have been through what Teresa has written about, “Martyrdom of the Mind”. The good news is, we know despite the outward appearance, the battle is already won!
Great observations and so helpful to everyone! Thank you Josie.
Dear Mark,
As I read what you wrote about Hegel, I thought, “This sounds like what goes on in the mind of the mentally ill!” Then I read what Teresa linked for you to read on her “Communitarianism”, article and read this:
“Hegelian philosophy is all about evolving socially; the system engages others in a “mystical” dialectic process of discussion to initiate the conflict necessary for Communism to establish itself. These dialectics, in turn, wear those engaging in them down and confuses them until eventually they arrive at a conclusion reached through a series of surrenders and compromises. This is a Communist war of words, not battlefields. It is a hidden and deceitful form of mind control known as coercive persuasion, engineered to arrive at the desired result without shedding blood.”
Bingo! We are living in a mental institution!
Isn’t that the truth! They have worked on this mind control business now for a few centuries and they now have achieved their goal. The prophet Isaias said in the last days, almost everyone would be mad! That should tell us a lot.
And speaking of a mental institution, a quote from St. Anthony the Great seems quite fitting = “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, You are mad; you are not like us”……..
And to top it off, we have the secular society and the false N.O. church existing of the blind leading the blind…… May our prayers bring mercy and grace to those victims in their spiritual wilderness and open their eyes to the great apostasy we witness and live in today…-” O Holy Spirit, Spirit of truth, come into our hearts; shed the brightness of Thy light upon the nations, that they may please Thee in unity of faith.”( Raccolta)
Boy oh boy, that is something we see everywhere these days, isn’t it? Even from Trads!
Thanks for the great quote, Joseph.
Yes, I hear you. For Trads I like Leper Messiah– may be modern but it fits.
Thanks, Josie.
Teresa and Joseph, your comments brought to mind one of the songs from the “Soundtrack of Antichrist”, (aka: music from 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90,’s, etc…):
Mad World
Tears for Fears
All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you ’cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles, it’s a very, very
Mad world
Mad world
Mad world
Mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher, tell me, what’s my lesson?
Look right through me, look right through me
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you ’cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles, it’s a very, very
Mad world
Mad world
Mad world
Mad world
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you ’cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles, it’s a very, very
Mad world
Mad world
Mad world
“Halargian world”, referring to a fictional alien planet.
The part about the Halargian world made think of the Scripture from Deuteronomy 32:21 (“and I will provoke them with that which is no people, and will vex them with a foolish nation.” )
Such an empty, depressing song, quite in contrast to what Pope Pius XII said, in Musicae Sacrae:
“4. Music is among the many and great gifts of nature with which God, in Whom is the harmony of the most perfect concord and the most perfect order, has enriched men, whom He has created in His image and likeness.[2] Together with the other liberal arts, music contributes to spiritual joy and the delight of the soul.
5. On this subject St. Augustine has accurately written: “Music, that is the science or the sense of proper modulation, is likewise given by God’s generosity to mortals having rational souls in order to lead them to higher things.”[3]
“That in the hour that you shall hear the sound of the trumpet, and of the flute, and of the harp, and of the sackbut, and of the psaltery, and of the symphony, and of all kinds of music; ye fall down and adore the golden statue which Nabuchodonosor hath set up.”
“And Nabuchodonosor the king spoke to them, and said: Is it true, O Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago that you do not worship my gods, nor adore the golden statue that I have set up?”
Daniel 3:5, 14
It seems these passages can apply to the modern music, of all genres. As none of them raise our hearts and minds to the True God, and most are filled with sin and vice; which is glorified instead.