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  1. Javier Morell

    Thanks very much for accepting me into your site. I’m delighted to be a member and I want to deepen my knowledge of my Catholic faith by reading the very interesting articles posted here.

    Blessings in Jesus and Mary,
    Javier Morell

    • T. Stanfill Benns

      Please feel free to email the site mail with any questions you may have.

      T. Benns

      • Gregory Lynne

        Dear Mrs. Benns,

        I too am a 1960’s Catholic (IHM) school educated believer. But it has taken me these six decades to come to realize the scope of the diabolical deception accomplished by our enemies.

        It deeply disturbs me when I discover sites such as yours that are still supporting PayPal. PayPal donates to Planned Parenthood (as does eBay).

        Please consider seriously changing your source of transacting monies. I’m not certain, but SquareUP.com may be a better alternative.

        Thank you.

        I’ve written separately inquiring how to purchase your “When there is no priest” booklet. Please supply an address and I will mail a check for purchase. thank you.

        In His Holy Family,
        Gregory Lynne

        • T. Stanfill Benns

          I will look into this after the first of the year with my web provider as have been meaning to change anyway for other reasons. They are booked up till then.

          Will make sure you receive your book.

          T. Benns

          • Mary Huston

            Thank you for sharing all your research with us and helping us learn the Truth of our faith, I’m a new subscriber. I didn’t realize only Paypal was accepted for payment, I had to have my daughter order the subscription for me. I just read the post above from last year , 12/2014, bringing to light Paypal is a supporter of PP ( I didn’t know). Do you plan on switching to another payment provider soon? I just paid for a year subscription but will be closing my paypal account asap. God Bless, Mary

  2. Gregory Lynne

    Greetings again,
    I’m not sure how you’ve communicated your address to me for me to send payment for the booklet (When there is no priest)?

    I prefer direct email. I just discovered your replies via WordPress here this AM.
    “23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship Him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” +John 4

    It seems we’re alone with the Father–worshiping Him “in Spirit and Truth”.

    Blessings and Prayers in His Holy Family,

  3. Marlene Gray Brewer

    Thank you so much for allowing me to register at this site. I am also a 60’s Catholic and hope to strengthen and endeavor to learn more about the truth Catholic faith. I am looking forward to doing further research and understand more fully about the faith before Vatican II.

    Blessings in Jesus and Mary,
    Marlene Gray Brewer

  4. Peter Bizley

    A holy Christmas to all. The only way to repay Love is with Love. If you know better you can do better. As the great Saint Paul instructs us “work out your salvation with fear and trembling ” this site is so informative and I will look forward to learning more and growing in my faith . I treasure my Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis and the brilliant teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas on Virtues and vices.Thank God for your sound instructions. Australia needs you . “Fight the good fight ” God Bless all of your members

  5. Johnny W. Herring Jr

    Respectfully I say,
    I was baptized a Roman Catholic as a child in the early 1950’s. I have been looking into many different walks of the Catholic Churches, looking for the rudimentary beginnings of the Catholic Church! I believe I have found what appears to be the Church in my searches. Jesus Christ is the basic facts and principals of teachings in the most Holy way! When man touches with his mind or body it becomes tarnished and misrepresented! The teaching that Christ wanted for all to hear is from just several books of his spoken words, not the words of other men/woman. I am always standing to be corrected. I am in no way a theologian. Always wanting to absorb as much as possible so that knowledge will intensify my love for Christ. May you and all mankind be Blessed by the Holy Spirit. JWH… 02/16/2015

    • T. Stanfill Benns

      Dear Sir,
      I so agree with this,

      The entire Novus Ordo debacle happened because man became his own God and to do this he had to abandon the unchangeable teachings of the One True Church. I hope that what you find here in your search is useful and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask them.


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