+ St. Michael The Archangel +

Dear Readers,

I hope no one feels bombarded with articles but two more have just been posted in response to questions asked and issues raised by readers. The first, listed in the Introduction section, explains how I became involved in a papal election and why I thought the laity could elect a pope. This article is probably long overdue but most who have followed this site know why I left this antipope from previously posted articles and the fight I waged after I left. This article is for newcomers who were not visiting the site at that time.

The second article, hopefully, will correct some misconceptions I myself unintentionally fostered concerning the difference between invalid acts and invalid Sacraments. It is an important article to read because it explains that there was never any intent to attack the indelible mark of Orders in stating that these men were unable to function. The contention was and is that in nearly every case, they never received such a mark and could never receive it to begin with. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details and once the distinctions are read and understood, then this matter should be clarified.

We honor St. Michael today and hope and pray that very soon God gives him the command to rally his forces, visit Earth, defeat Antichrist and return Satan to the eternal fires of hell. St. Michael, stand for thy people!

St Michael


T. Benns


  1. jonathan

    holy holy holy

  2. Mark

    Id recommend reading the old testament before going on about antipopes. The vast majority of those called into service of God have committed unholy acts. King david killed one of his men to take the guys wife.
    King Solomon married a bunch of pagans.
    Judah stole his brothers inheritance, emotionally abused and neglected his wife (while taking her sister as his second wife) and then went on to pay his daughter-in-law for sex before almost allowing her to be killed.

    Pope francis is a broken man in a long line of broken men. Yelling about antipopes changes nothing and will only separate you from the church and rot your soul from the inside out.

    • T. Stanfill Benns

      Says a Novus Ordo schismatic and heretic! God have mercy on your soul!

  3. Joseph Mecca

    Perhaps one day, Mark will realize that those of us who have taken heed of the warnings of previous Popes, that the enemy was looking to destroy the church from within and were already in the bosom. We do not turn a blind eye to the evil promoted by these enemies regardless of their using the title of “Pope”. Those guilty of mocking Jesus, guilty of sacrilege, guilty of ignoring and or distorting Catholic Dogma and Doctrine. Those guilty of the heresy of Indifference. Those guilty of the synthesis of all heresies-“modernism”.Those doing the work of satan, stealing souls. Those who for decades now have immersed the Catholic name in a sea of filth, dishonor and grief, with their insulting rebellion against the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, these usurpers crucify him anew. Let us pray for those who still remain blind to apostasy. —Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us—


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