Notice of Article Revision

Notice of Article Revision
The article formerly titled “The status of those ordained and/or consecrated by schismatics” (10Bbhas been changed to “Ordination/Consecration by Schismatics is Conditionally Valid, but Acts Emanating From Schismatic Orders Are Null and Void.” This article also has been considerably expanded tobetter explain why Traditionalists are not ordained clergy and how we can know this definitively, with a reasonable degree of certainty. The revision came on the heels of comments by readers who maintain that to say the Church can restrict the exercise of orders is the equivalent of saying that such orders are never received. Others object that no evidence exists to prove that the Church ever taught this in the past as part of Her continual magisterium. Yet in conjunction with her teaching on communicatio in sacris, the Church has always taught this and She likewise has always taught that without first tonsure, signifying the official call of the diocesan bishop, there can be no vocation, hence no ordination. This was discussed at length in the article “Trad Pseudo-Clerics Only Simulating Mass and Sacraments,” (7M).
This last article brings out the fact that it is not enough to say that John 23 was an antipope; you must follow out all the conclusions that flow from that statement. If he was an antipope, he could not grant jurisdiction of any kind; this we find in Pope Paul IV’s infallible bull, Cum ex Apostolatus Officio. And if he could not grant jurisdiction to those bishops he himself appointed, and they had no jurisdiction from anywhere else and were functioning illicitly, then they could not administer tonsure to those they trained in seminary and later ordained, because the granting of tonsure is considered a jurisdictional act. Jurisdiction either exists or it does not exist. If there is a well-founded doubt whether or not it actually exists, it still does not exist because for us because it pertains to the Sacraments.
Writing and posting these articles involves a depth of research that makes it virtually impossible to cover everything at once, on any given subject. Always one will run across the stray quote or previously unknown or overlooked teaching that will shed light on what has been written. When this happens, articles will be updated to reflect these finds and better explain the subject matter. And when any such revision is posted, it will be noted on this blog. Please reread the article for a better understanding of the inability of any of these men calling themselves bishops and priests today to function as such. While the truth has always been clear to those of us abstaining from their ministrations, in the past few years mounting evidence has removed all doubt that they have any right to function whatsoever. It remains for those who continue to patronize these men to cease and desist in cooperating with them in sin for the salvation of all involved.
In defense of the Faith,
T. Benns

1 Comment

  1. Rick Bubric

    Hi fellow viewers of Teresa’s site,

    My website is finished. One can read my previous mail for additional info.

    However, for others I will start at the beginning here.

    I am a friend of Teresa’s and she has given me permission to advertise my

    own website here on her site.

    What is my website? It can be described in various ways. First, you can

    learn a lot about it from its name: it is

    basically an on-line Library system for Catholic resources. However, it

    is more than that in various ways: 1) because Resources is a general term

    that not only includes all kinds of media (books, CDs, movies, website)

    but even professionals, services, merchandise, it is a gathering of any

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    Resources, or sell, give or lend them to others. One can also make reviews

    on these Resources and have forum Discussion on them. 3) It is also a

    social network for catacomb Catholics where they can communicate with

    others through Forums, mail and other methods. It is a place where

    Catholic community can grow and where fellows Catholics can learn, pray,

    play and work together.

    If one is interested in joining my site, then send an email to and give me your first name and I will set up an account

    for you. If you do not wish to go through me, then talk to Teresa and she

    will pass your information to me.

    Note that this site is only for authentic Catholics. However, if some are

    simply interested in authentic Catholicity then I can make you a bronze

    members which has restricted access but can talk in forums.

    May God Bless


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