New Radio Show

Dear Readers,

I wanted to invite you all to tune in to my new radio show tomorrow night (every Thursday) at night 6-7 p.m. PST, 7-8 p.m MST, 8-9 p.m. CST and 9-10 p.m. EST. It is called The Catholic Crusade and will focus mainly on stay-at-home Catholicism then gradually over time broaden out to cover other subjects. Here is how you tune in.

Go to TME Radio.… Just hit play on the player or choose any link in the middle of the page to play on your own player on your computer. If you go into the chatroom by hitting the chat button on the top of the page, a player will open automatically so you can listen and discuss what’s going on with other listeners. They are not an FM station but there are independent low-power FMs all over that use theMicroeffect stream as their broadcasts. They also are on on KU Band Satellite…

Galaxy 19

Frequency 12060

Polarization Horizontal

Symbol Rate 22000

See you tomorrow on the show!


T. Benns



  1. Monica ivory

    Good morning Theresa,
    Thank you for the articles and all of the prayer and work that goes with them.
    I have been trying to find your radio show with no success. Please let me know what I need to do to tune in as we are a large family of at home catholics and would love to support this endeavor.
    God bless you and those you love,
    Monica ivory

    • T. Stanfill Benns

      I do have plans to revive the show, but at the moment family matters dictate that I place my energies in that direction, so must postpone the radio show revival for awhile longer. I do have other things I am working on, but recently lost my right-hand helper so am just limping along here. Bear with me and eventually I hope to come up to speed!

      T. Benns


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