Recite Mass prayers from the Consecration often, priest says
12-2-14, + St. Bibiana, Virgin martyr +
Dear Readers,
People now and again will tell me that their Traditionalist “priests,” the ones who have neither offices nor jurisdiction from a proper bishop and NO approval whatsoever from the true Church of Jesus Christ, (that is, a true pope), forbid them to even whisper the Consecration prayers with these so-called priests during their “Masses.” These people are so mesmerized by the power and the scarcity of these men that, believing they can actually convey valid Sacraments, they offer them a reverence, even a worship, reserved to Our Lord alone. They fail to even question the credentials of these individuals, who project onto their congregations an unquestioning acceptance of their personal omniscience. And when their followers do so question, they are met with either an angry retort or a cool and studied distance and indifference. Sadly, those frequenting these “priests” generally fail to check their statements to assure themselves that they are teaching what the Church has always taught, in the same manner that She has always taught it.
All the worse for them. For in the matter of reading or reciting the words of Consecration, even out loud, not only is it not forbidden, it is even recommended as a devotion to be practiced FREQUENTLY. A validly and licitly ordained priest, Rev. Mateo Crawley-Boevey — a great apostle of the latter days who was ordained in 1898 — was the first to promote this devotion. Crawley-Boevey was an inexhaustible champion of the consecration of families to the Sacred Heart; he preached this devotion to the entire world during his lifetime. Not only was he a tireless apostle, his apostolate was heartily endorsed by four popes: Pope St. Pius X, Benedict XV, Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII. On June 5, 1907, during a papal audience that day, Pope St. Pius X “commanded Fr. Crawley-Boevey to devote his life “to this work of salvation.” He also told him: “May God confirm what He has done in you.” Pope Pius XI personally sent him on a mission to priests in the Orient and also the Far East. Pope Pius XII told Fr. Crawley-Boevey, in a letter dated July 2, 1948, that his apostolate, “corresponds to our most cherished desires, as it did to those of our Predecessors…” Pope Pius XII urged him especially to continue “in the work [of consecrating] …Christian families to the Sacred Heart…that their lives [may] be in harmony with Christian precepts, that they [may] burn with an ardent love for the Holy Eucharist and that they share in the Heavenly Banquet as often as possible.”
Fr. Crawley-Boevey traveled throughout the world delivering conferences and retreats on the importance of veneration for the Sacred Heart, the Eucharistic Heart of Our Lord. People flocked to his conferences everywhere. During these conferences, one of the things that he preached was the practice of reciting “The Mass of St. John,” the beloved Apostle. This spiritual Mass consists of the two prayers preceding the Consecration, followed by the actual words of the Consecration. Fr. Crawley-Boevey strongly recommends this practice in his writings, re-published following his death in 1960. “This is the great prayer, the most wonderful of prayers,” he wrote, (“Jesus King of Love”). “You may have your private devotions, but that all of them may become divine, priceless — the Rosary and the rest — put them as a drop of water in the chalice of the Mass…Nothing consoles the Sacred Heart, nothing puts balm into the wound of His Sacred Heart better than the Sacrifice you offer through the Trinity — through Him, with Him and in Him…Your life a Mass…that is sanctity, that is fruitfulness. You, the drop of water in the Chalice transformed into the Blood of Jesus after the Consecration. That is your share in the Sacrifice.” If, as these false priests contend, it is a sin to say these words, then THEIR words contradict those of a man personally endorsed by four popes, one a great saint! Before God, who will call for an accounting at your private judgment, how will you explain why you rejected this teaching endorsed by his Vicars, yet accepted the “teachings” of a man never sent to teach and preach?
God in His mercy, knowing the trying times in which we live, has sent us all the tools with which to lead lives of prayer, reparation and penance. He and His apostles warned us of false Christs and false prophets, wolves in sheep’s clothing. He will not accept the excuses of those who turned a blind eye to the violation of His laws and the teachings of His Vicars, satisfying their unregulated and unCatholic “needs” by resorting to those very hirelings He condemns in the Gospel. And as for men not even priests who would simulate the Sacred Liturgy and take away from us the private recitation of this most precious gift, the very words of Our Savior, think for once of them, of their souls: How will they fare when called to the Judgment Seat?!
For a moving biography of Fr. Mateo’s life, visit
New articles
Please check out two new articles posted under Recent Articles on the Free Content site. One deals with frequently asked questions on sedevacantism and the other is an answer to a Youtube video recirculated by members of the Pope St. Pius X Society. In this video, a former SSPX priest actually advises those who cannot hear a Latin Mass to say their prayers at home, explaining that the Church has always endorsed this practice when Mass was not available! Yet other Traditionalists will argue endlessly that this is a pernicious practice that slights the Mass and Sacraments and robs souls of grace. Please explain how an action that safeguards the Mass and Sacraments from sacramental abuse as instructed by the Church could possibly be offensive to God. Or how even the possibility of sacramental abuse or invalidity could possibly be productive of grace.
T. Benns
Thank you very much for this very enlightening comment, dear T. Benns. Your site is a beacon of light and truth in this dark age of the world. May God bless you abundantly with all sort of graces. The final combat between Christ and Satan is raging now. Let us fight the good fight alongside our Saviour against the world and its wicked minions.
St. Bibiana, pray for us.
I wish you and all true Catholics around the world a Holy Christmas and my best wishes for the upcoming year. Let us all grow in charity, humility and wisdom before God and our fellow men.
Happy new year, peace to men of good will. Thank God for such a virtuous woman in these days when so many people are blind to the truth. The truth is a sword that cuts through the body into the soul. The soul that should dominate the body, not the body dominate the soul. My Audio Book ,The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis is a must.In the midst of all our investigations we must loose sight of mortifying our souls and totally conforming to the Will of God Almighty. The interior castle by St Theresa of Avila is amazing . Lord have Mercy on us
Dear Peter,
Unfortunately my “virtues” are a matter of debate and at best are always in the formation process.
The truth I have garnered from the many shining stars among the popes, saints, doctors and theologians, so cannot take credit for it. Yes Thomas a Kempis is good and I am glad it is in audio book form. St. Teresa of Avila WAS an amazing woman. I have a calendar with her many good quotes.
A blessed New Year to you as well, and thank you for commenting.
Sorry for the typo. We must NOT loose sight is what I meant . God Bless all of you