+ Dedication of the Basilica of Our Savior +

+ Dedication of the Basilica of Our Savior +

Dear Readers,
The misunderstanding concerning the source of authority of bishops in the Church has persisted for long decades following its definition, and to be honest Traditionalists following Lefebvre and Thuc “bishops” did nothing to clarify it because it definitely was not in their best interests. Of course truly educated Catholics should have known they possessed no authority in the Church to begin with, but this was not the case. More importantly, they should have known from the very beginning that the Church could not function without a true pope and they could not treat any bishop as his equal. This is basic Catholic teaching, but as we have repeatedly pointed out, those who call themselves Traditionalists are not really interested in knowing their faith although they may call themselves Catholic.

As Pope Leo XIII taught in Satis Cognitum, long before Pope Pius XII declared that bishops received their jurisdiction from St. Peter, not directly from Christ, even taken collectively the bishops are not superior to the pope; this is the Gallicanist heresy. “All are agreed that the divine promise must be understood of the Church as a whole and not of any certain portions of it. These can indeed be overcome by the assaults of the powers of hell…” So it is either the Church holding firm with all the bishops in communion with the Holy Father or nothing at all; THAT is Christ’s meaning when He says that the gates of Hell shall not prevail. Here Pope Leo XIII is referring to a scriptural verse; he is explaining the meaning of divine revelation. He is telling us that there can be no such thing as bishops ruling without or outside their head; this is schism. They either rule as a unit or not at all. Unless, of course, they call themselves Traditionalists.

In posting this article on Pope Pius XII’s decision concerning episcopal jurisdiction, it should be noted that the intent was to show the proofs used to arrive at this decision, as presented by Msgr. Fenton. No one would question the authenticity of these sources. And yet they question the necessity of the Roman Pontiff. There is no reason to belabor the point. Enough has been demonstrated here concerning the inability of Traditionalist bishops to even exist that no more need be said on the subject. What now must be emphasized is the fact that the Vatican Council never guaranteed these men WOULD exist without the pope; this was not the divine promise. We live in unprecedented times. Had Traditionalists just accepted this from the beginning, per Christ Himself, their movement would have been short-lived. That they did not is why Christ’s Church can no longer claim a true head.

T. Benns


  1. Javier Morell

    Brilliant and unquestionable as usual, dear Teresa. Now when will all those so-called Traditionalist sites stop spreading error and confusion amongst the faithful by revering both Lefebvre and Thuc “bishops” alike? I’m getting tired of their absurd claims to restore the Catholic Church and the Papacy. There can be no restoration whatsoever unless Our Lord intervenes with a miracle. Until then, all we can do is pray and live a most Christian life, learn about our faith so we can’t be deceived by these hirelings whose only interest is to feed on some good Catholics’ unfounded anxiety.

    J. Morell

  2. charles salifu

    Dear Teresa,
    I have been studying your website for some times now with a lot of interest.I stumbled into it by chance when I was searching for a topic on traditional catholicism.i must say Iam intrigued by alot of things you have to say on your site.Just when I thought I have succesfully understood the current apostasy, your materials are forcing me to re evaluate the whole things i have known about the crisis in the church in our times.
    I have been progressively moving from one camp to another in order to find peace in my conscience about the current apostasy.I started out as nominal catholic to Charismatism. From there to Fatima Crusader camp of Nicholas Grunner apostolate, then sedevacantist of The Dimond Brothers and currently the Siri Camp.From here Iam currently weighing your arguements.I hope you will be patient with me for I have alot of questions i need you to answer for me.I need to be cautious because i have realised that there is CONFUSION everywhere.

    I hope to ask many other questions in the future as I continue ti peruse your works .thanks for your time.


    • T. Stanfill Benns

      Dear Charles,
      I hope to answer your questions in full in a future post but am running behind at the moment. Some of the documentation for the Siri material is on the free site but will have to supply the rest. Let me know and I can provide additional information on this.

      Please read all you can on the site as this way you will gain a broader understanding of the entire confused mess out there. May the Holy Ghost guide you.

      Thank you for writing and reading.


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