“The Son of Man shall be betrayed into the hands of sinners”

— Matt. 26:45

“The Son of Man shall be betrayed into the hands of sinners”

— Matt. 26:45







That great Doctor of the Church, St. Robert Bellarmine, listed as no. 13 among his 15 marks of the Church: “The opposition that the Church arouses among those who attack her on the very grounds that Christ was opposed by His enemies.” Christ’s own co-religionists, in cooperation with the traitor Judas, sent Him to His death. So by enduring this sadly similar betrayal of the Church at the hands of her enemies, we must stoically fill up today what is wanting to Christ’s Passion, renewed in His Mystical Body on earth. In so doing we hasten the day of reckoning for all the evil …


We provide inquirers seeking to know what happened to the Catholic Church following the death of Pope Pius XII with the proofs they need to obtain certitude in these trying times. All on this site is taken from the Church’s infallible teachings, Her Canon Laws and the works of approved theologians. However, as St. Bernadette of Soubirous once said, “My job is to inform, not to convince.” Only the Holy Ghost can provide the graces necessary to accept the truth.
We provide inquirers seeking to know what happened to the Catholic Church following the death of Pope Pius XII with the proofs they need to obtain certitude in these trying times. All on this site is taken from the Church’s infallible teachings, Her Canon Laws and the works of approved theologians. However, as St. Bernadette of Soubirous once said, “My job is to inform, not to convince.” Only the Holy Ghost can provide the graces necessary to accept the truth.

Instruct the Ignorant

“Take hold on instruction; leave it not. Keep it because it is thy life.” – Proverbs 4:13

Pray for the Living
and the Dead

“Pray for one another, that you may be saved.” — James 5:16

Counsel the Doubtful

“Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you.” – Matt. 11:28



T. Stanfill Benns

1917 Code of Canon Law: “Traditional” clergy are invalid

The “Catholic restoration” crowd, now working under the umbrella of an organization known as the ISOC, have attempted for decades to authenticate the existence of a pathway 

T. Stanfill Benns

Epikeia and necessity negate
the Church’s Divine constitution
Before proceeding with what follows below, it is necessary to remind readers of betrayed-catholics’ position regarding Traditionalist works on jurisdiction and epikeia.


T. Stanfill Benns

Necessary intention in Traditionalist Orders lacking
It has always been the contention of those operating Traditionalist chapels, from their very beginning in the mid-1960s, that they continued all the teachings and Traditions…


These books will explain how the Great Apostasy began with Reformation, culminated with the subversion of the Church by the secret societies and neo-Modernists and continues with the pseudo-Church run under the auspices of Traditionalists.


These books will explain how the Great Apostasy began with Reformation, culminated with the subversion of the Church by the secret societies and neo-Modernists and continues with the pseudo-Church run under the auspices of Traditionalists.



Thank you: Precise and consolidated. “May the grace of the Holy Ghost enlighten their senses and their hearts” O Mary, our hope, have pity on us.





What a marvel of an article, a true summa of these last times, of what to believe and what not to believe! Thank you so much for this!




— RR





I really like what I’ve seen and read, this is great!





Awesome Teresa…simply awesome…this site has shown up just when I needed some comfort…




— PS

Teresa, your words have given me such consolation. God allowed me recently to witness firsthand how traditional “priests/bishops” are the same, if not worse, as the novus ordo priests I ran from. Then, when I started researching and found out about so many horrible and mad/crazy trad “priests/bishops”, I thought to myself, this cannot be the meaning of the words that Jesus spoke–“I will not leave you orphans”.




— IK

I’ve been reading your site for a good long time and am glad that you publish it. I appreciate your work.




— Michael


Thank you, Teresa! Your website and blog have not only been a reliable source of pertinent information and learning, but also, a silent gathering of believers, reminding us that we are not alone – although isolated. God bless you for all of your labour.
— JJ
And the truth will set you free




— BF


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“…When one member suffers, all the other members share its pain, and the healthy members come to the assistance of the ailing. So in the Church, the individual members… help their fellows, and all work in mutual collaboration for the common comfort and …more perfect building up of the whole Body.”

Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi